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"The story is she is mad and she has been sent away. Now Justin this is the first time that you have seen her since she was sent away. You realized how far gone she really is. This is not going to be an easy piece." Miss Kim tells us.

We both nod. Ready for the challenge. I don't know what I think about Justin anymore. It's been a full week since I found out that he essentially hated a part of me and it's been driving me crazy. I have kept my distance but not because Sasha told me to. I don't know what to think about us or if there will ever be an us again. I just put him out of my head and dance.

"Let's begin." The dance is amazing and there are a couple of stunts that involve trust. Like I grab on his leg at one point in time and I have to trust that he won't step on my hair, he also swings me towards the ground and I have to trust that he won't let my head smash against the ground and lastly I have to run and jump at him hoping he'll catch me.

I don't let my second guessing affect my dancing. I know that he will do anything for the dance. If he does try to talk to me about anything from dance I ignore him. He being the last person that I want to talk to.

"Do you guys think this number could be ready for the competition next weekend?" Miss Kim asks us.

"A week from tomorrow?" Justin guesses.

"Yes the Saturday." She says

"I think so." I nod answering for the both of us.

"I want you to both practice it at least three times next week." I nod knowing we have to have it perfect.

"Of course." He tells her and she leaves the room. I don't bother stretching out. I just grab my bag and go to leave.

"We can still be friends right?" He asks me. I stop and close my eyes.

"Acquaintances "


"It's so strange for you to be going out with him today." Brianna smiles at me.

"I know but I think it would be best to go out again."

"Do you think it was the right thing, for you to break up with Justin."

"He never like me. The real me." I tell her.

"What do you mean?"

"I heard him talking with Joey, he doesn't like Mae." I state.

"No way. He said that?"

"Didn't know I was listening but he blames Mae for us breaking up." I tell her. I start getting my makeup on for mine and Wilson's date.

"Here let me find something cute."

"He told me to dress casual, something I don't mind getting dirty."

"Whatever it will be fine!" She shrugs and I shake my head. What am I going to do with her!

"Brianna make sure I can actually do things in it!"

"Will do." I finish my makeup which there was not a lot of and sit on my bed until Brianna finishes. Wilson is coming to pick me up at 2 he never said what time I will be going home but it's a strange time to pick someone up. He said it was a day date so does that mean I will be coming home before the sun sets?

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