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"Come on guys we have today and then you are up on stage tomorrow, let's go!" Av shouts as I mess up again. I liked this number much better when it was just for fun but now it's more well I don't know hard and I have to act a lot more slutty than I'm comfortable with. We do the number again and I nail the part I messed up on. As soon as we finish we look at Av.

"Well?" Justin asks.

"Perfect. See you guys tomorrow." I nod and start stretching out.

"You think we are ready?" Justin asks. I nod at him.

"I think you need to believe more." I smirk at him.

"I guess your right." He shrugs as I decide I'm done stretching. I get up and he watches me walk out. I guess I have forgiven him but that doesn't mean that I agree with what he is doing. I get to my dorm room and smile. I think I'm ready for tomorrow.


The drive up seemed to take forever since I sat by myself. Glad I brought my headphones other wise it would have been way longer. Since 'Grace' doesn't really have friends here she doesn't talk to many people. Yea Brianna and I texted pretty much the whole way up but I miss talking face to face.

When Av gives us our costumes not going to lie I was not impressed. I felt way uncomfortable but Miss Kim said they looked amazing and we looked perfect in them. By the time It was our turn on stage I was even more nervous than ever.

"Now get on that stage and make me think that this wasn't competently a horrendous idea." Miss Kim tells us and I smirk. Shes right, just lay it out all on that stage.

The music starts and I walk on. Justin is sitting on steps that we brought as a prop. A solo from me starts the number and I just dance. When Justin joins me its like I'm completely in character and I remember what Av told us our very first rehearsal with her.

'This number is about teasing, he wants you but you, but you only want the chase, you have to make everyone feel like he has a chance even though we all know he doesn't. It starts and finishes with a solo from you Grace so You need to be on top of the game, start strong, finish strong.'

When we finish he grabs a girl from the wings and its with her on the stage as I look at him angry. The room erupts with applause. I smile as Justin and I both bow and walk off stage.

"That was perfect!" Av's eyes are filled with joy. "I can't believe how much everyone loved it!"

"Me neither!" Miss Kim, this being her first time seeing it since she saw it for the first time, smiles at us.

"Did I finish strong?" I ask her taking a sip from my water bottle.

"Like I said you were perfect."

"And your facials both of you were spectacular!" Miss Kim adds.

"Grace, I didn't know if you had it in you but as your Choreographer for that number you sure made me proud." Av smiles and I hug her.

"Thanks." We walk into our dressing room as everyone congratulates us. Sasha walks over.

"Looks like that number was made special just for a slut like you." She whispers and I feel my body tense. Don't feed into it, I think to myself, that's what she wants.

"Good luck to you too Sasha." I force a smile and she glares at me. By the time everyone is finished trophies are being handed out.

"Duets Ages 15-18 in third place is from Hollywoods prestige studio's number 47 Let's get it on." We all clap as they stand and get their trophy. "In second place from Studio 479 number 167 Passion." I sigh glad we didn't get second and hoping they liked our number enough to at least place us. This is always the worst part. "And in first place from BTSA number 110 The chase." Justin and I stand up. I feel the weight off my chest as we both walk over to claim our trophy. I smile even wider when they hand me the trophy. The next category starts as everyone files off the stage.

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