What Overwatch Characters You Like Says About You According to Me (I added more)

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I don't even know you, yet I make assumptions about you anyways. So take this shit with a grain of salt for this is as accurate as those zodiac sign posts on Pinterest. This is for fun and shouldn't be taken seriously.


-It was her younger skin that did it for you

-maybe it was the regular skin idk I'm not you

-white hair + dark skin= every crush you've had/ currently have

-You probably like older people


-Mommy issues


-You only like her because of BOB

-You are a bottom 

-You're into the whole rough exterior but soft interior thing... so a lot of tsundere level crushes 

-You had a crush on mirage from the Incredibles

-Tiga was your crush/favorite character in Toradora

-I'll do you one better, YOU WATCHED TORADORA


-You just want to steal him from Ashe

-You play Ashe so you can main as BOB

-You like cinnamon roll tier people


-Independent man make you go uwu

-You like them to have some sass 

-Every fictional crush you've had so far has a dark backstory that they managed to overcome

-You spam his hello emote 

-that beard thooooooo

-And that groovy skin? perfection.


- it was the animatic that made you go AWWWWW

- you want play of the game

-WALL-E is your favorite pixar film

-You would adopt his bird if you could


-You like people with big hands

-Probably like those deep voices

-His formal skin is one of your favorites

-You like thiiiiccccc muscular bois


-You have had a crush on an anime character and/or a K-pop star at least once in your life

-It was the cuteness

-You want a gamer girl gf to play minecraft with you

-Your favorite color is pink


-You were worried what happened to Echo after McCree left her on Route 66 in the Reunion Animatic

-You were the only one that noticed that when Echo came into the game, that she had no booty crack like she did in the animatic (it's a thing I saw it on instagram)

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