What You Gotta Deal With When You Date Overwatch Characters

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-Pharah ships you two a bit

-She's so secretive, Ex: she didn't tell you she had a daughter until you guys were dating for three months

-When you get mad at her she defends herself a bit and does try to understand why you're mad and so the problem gets resolved quicker

-She always gets her way with anything. Last slice of cake? She got it cause she healed you when you bruised your ankle.

-She doesn't mind cuddles as long as your not nagging her for some


-She will go full fledge tsundere on you when she wants something 

-B.O.B is not fond of you much because Ashe is like his baby

-She complains about McCree a lot

-Very picky on anything you give her be it food or Knick knacks

-Threatens you everyday that if you leave her she will kill you slowly but it's 8 in the morning so your like "lol ok"

-When you get mad at her she yells at you and walks away to go shoot at some empty cans. After at least two or three days of avoiding you she will apologize but it won't sound sincere. After she says her half ass apology she cuddles you for what feels like forever


-He can't kiss you because he got no lips

-But he has POTG which only makes you angry

- His bird lands on your shoulder 

-You named the bird Roco

-Roco pooped on your shoulder

-Man you really should of thought things through before you became his girlfriend/boyfriend


-he brings back donuts when he comes back from a robbery

-Ashe gets mad at you for going on dates but not telling her cause ya know robberies have schedules too

-He lets you wear his tiny hat

-Cuddle the giant robo butler FOREVER

-He doubles as your bodyguard and your butler and cuddle buddy

-He had a heater installed in his body to keep you warm when you cuddle so it won't be like hugging a cold ass fridge


-Reinhardt teases you both all the time

-Her hugs can be suffocating

-She cute af

-Pies go extinct cause she ate them all

-Brigitte begs you to get a cat but (your personal reason on why you don't want a cat)

-She will be your shield


-Everything is a competition

-One competition was to see who was the better flirt... It was a tie 

-You guys always go to the grocery store to stock up on gamer fuel cause Hana is like a vacuum when it comes to that stuff

-You take a lot of photos together and post them on social media

- Doing couple challenges on her livestreams

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