The Reason Why Solider 76 and Reaper Aren't Friends Part One:

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This isn't remotely cannon. At all.

Long ago during the first okayish run of Overwatch Jack Morrison and Gabriel Reyes were ok buddies. They killed bad people and robots together, got injected with superhero buff man syrup together, and did laundry together.

"Dude, did you wash reds and whites again?" A young and hairy Reyes asked while he put 25 cents into the laundry machine next to Jack.

"Yea," Jack said sadly. His ex boyfriend, Vincent, broke up with him two hours ago. And laundry just wasn't the same since. "Vincent used to do laundry." He cried into his now bright pink t shirts.

"Damn, you need to stop letting that guy hang you up to dry like a soggy towel. You're so much more successful now, and he's missing out." Reyes continued, "You got big ass muscles, you got great pointy hair, and you work to help people. Like- What is there not to like about you?"

Jack sniffled, "He said I work too much."

Gabe huffed, "Don't matter. That whiny ass bitch can go."

Then, there was an announcement going off.

"Hey Overwatch founder people, we need to decide who's gonna become strike commander so come down to the meeting place please."

The meeting place was white and also in mid construction so everyone was sitting on the ground in front of a holo-screen. Ana Amari waves to the two buckaroos as she sat down criss-cross applesauce next to Reinhardt and Torbjorn.

"It's nice to see you two. Sorry about the breakup Jack." Jack sat next to her while Gabe sat next to Jack because that is how they sat.

"You're saying it like you're the one who broke up with Jack." Gabe said with a chuckle.

Jack sighed, "Can we stop talking about Vincent?"

"Vincent broke up with you?" Rein asked,

"Reinhardt you got to get better at picking up on these things!" Torbjorn the dwarf man said, "I learned from Ingrid that I have a father sense."

"Probably because you're low to the ground." Reyes roasted. "Anyways Ana how's your daughter?"

"She tried to shoot my husband with one of my sniper guns and for some reason I almost let her."

Jack patted her back, "Marriage problems?"

"Eh he's different. He keeps changing his hair, his clothes, even his expressions."

"I think that's normal, Ana." Gabe replied.

"Well I think I'm gonna divorce him." Ana committed tea emote.

"Vincent used to say that," Jack sniffled.

Gabe sighed, "This shit agai-"

"Welcome to the meeting Overwatch members or whatever you want to call yourselves." The United Nations said on the holo screen.

Gabe raised his hand, "I want us to be called Black Tear."

Jack face palmed, "Gabe stop trying to make us all get dragged into your dream emo band!"

Gabe has been trying to push an emo band name for at least two months. A few of the names were as follows: black skull, black balloon, black fire, black human, black weed, black black, and David. As you can see, Gabe wasn't very creative with names. Despite his lack of band experience as well as the fact he couldn't play an instrument, it never stopped him from wanting to have something he couldn't possibly possess without actual effort. Still, he annoyed his friends regardless of his lack of motivation to expand his career.

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