McCree x Reader: Horses in the Back

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Requested by @lawea-rara 

Narrator POV:

Overwatch was full of unique characters: be it a dwarf, cyborg, or talking ape. Cowboys were not excluded from the narrative. There was only one cowboy, your boyfriend, Jesse McCree. He treated you right, gave you lots of love and flirtatious remarks. It had already been two years since you two had gotten together as a couple and things were looking great. 

Today was like any oridnary day: McCree and you woke up in your shared dorm, ate breakfast, and McCree was out training like he always did. Normally you would be with him, but you wanted to take a break. Your shoulders were still sore from the last mission you went on. So here you were, laying down on one side of the couch in the lougne next to Hana as she played her videogames. She was praticing for a gaming copetition in Japan, and she's squeezed in all the time she could get just to pratice her gameplay stratagies. You were about to doze off on the couch when you heard the door to the lounge slam open.

"OH MY GOD GUYS YOU GOTTA HEAR THIS!!!" Lucio yelled on the top of his lungs, making both you and Hana jump up from the couch.

"Lucio! What is more important than my videogame?!" Hana whined as Lucio turned off the Holo screen.

"Guys,I found this old song from late 2010!" He showed us the picture of the albulm.

I read the song title aloud, "Old Town Road? Isn't that an old meme?"

"Yea but it's a popular song from back then! And guess where I found it?"

"Where?" Me and Hana ask.

"McCree's playlist!" He laughs, "You would think he would be about country music but his selection of music is pretty wide ranged!" He scrolled his finger down the screen of songs, some recognizable and some unrecognizable. Some country, some pop, some classical, and other genres. 

"How did you know?" I ask still suprised I didn't know my boyfriend as well as I thought I did.

"Sombra hacked in and sent it to me. She really looks everywhere when it comes to hacking. This was the song he put on repeat to the most, according to her research."

"Wow, I thought he never knew anything but country music." Hana said in shock.

You should of known McCree liked old meme songs, your his girlfriend for crying out loud. Two years and you barely know this man's taste in music until now. Not even by talking to him, by Lucio and that nosey hacker Sombra. This was intriguing to you, nonetheless. He seemed like a simple man with simple taste. But Old Town Road seemed not too far off from what he listens to. You never heard the song before, only knowing that it was an old meme from 2019. Curiosity got the better of you three.

"Let's hear it, just once." You tapped the play button on the screen.

Just once, you said. You underestimated how catchy the song was.

McCree had just came back from the training room, he wanted to see if you were still in the lounge but he knew you would complain about how he smells. So, he head on over to your shared dorm to wash off in the shower. Maybe you'd be there watching Tv? As soon as he opened the door, you were nowhere in sight. McCree shrugs it off, telling himself that he'd find you after the shower. After drying off and dressing in jeans, plaid button up, and his signature hat; he went off to go find you. His cowboy boots clicked against the tiled floor, his hazel eyes looking side to side as he walked down the hallway. In the corner of his eyes, he spotted Lena. She should know where you are, right? He began to walk up to her, noticing her humming a vaguely familiar toon. 

"Hey, Lena. Have you seen Y/N around lately?"

Lena looks up at him and giggles, "I haven't, sorry!" She attempts to run pass him until her arm was caught by his mechanical one.

"Now hold up, what's with all the laughter?"

"Oh it's nothing, I just... Thought of something funny is all!" His grip on her weakens and she speeds off. That definitely was a lie. Something is up.

So McCree looked everywhere: cafeteria, lounge, offices, medical center, hallways. Everywhere he went, he heard people giggling at the sight of him. It didn't make sense, he always dressed like this. He was the cowboy, he knew that. Why were people laughing now?

He decided to take a break from the search, his pride now bruised. As he entered the room, he heard a song he thought he would never hear again. Oh no.

"I GOT THE HORSES IN THE BACK!" You sang out loud, not noticing him standing there dumbfounded. This song was his jam back in his Deadlock days. He wanted to be a badass cowboy so bad, wearing a matted black hat and black boots to match. It looked ridiculous considering he didn't have enough money to buy the whole cowboy ensemble. All he could settle for was a ripped up leather jacket, a white t shirt, and worn out denim jeans. This song was his main inspiration, other than the old western movies he watched since he was three. Ashe would hate it when he sang that song, and he'd love to make her mad. Every heist the gang had, he would play this song to pump him up. He left that all behind, not wanting anything to do with the song. This was his "Let it go", the overplayed song that he now hated with a passion.

And now you were into it.

He let out a sigh, "Y/N do you mind turning it down a notch?"

You turn to face him holding back your laughter, "Can't nobody tell me nothing!" You sing along to the lyrics.

McCree shook his head, mentally facepalming. You were too cute, dancing along to the beat. Still, he really wanted to shoot the speaker with his peackeeper so there could be peace and quiet. While you were distracted, he turned off the speaker.

"What? Hey!"

"That's enough music for now." He threw you over his shoulders, plopping you on the couch.

He sat next to you, "How did you get into the song?"

"Lucio found your old playlist, you never told me you like all music."

"You never asked." he mumbles.

"It's just that sometimes, I think I know everything about you. We've been together for two years and it feels like I have yet to know more." You looked at the ground, feeling your heart sink.

"Well, isn't that what makes it interesting?" 

You looked up at him in surprise, he continues. "We all change, it's what we do everyday. Just because you don't know my favorite music doesn't mean it's the end of the world." He kisses your cheek.

"Thanks, Jesse. One more thing."

He knew what was coming, he couldn't stop it.

He lets out a deep sigh, "Yes, I do got the horses in the back."

"I was gonna ask if you ever road a horse, but that's fine."


McCree later on lets you know that he hates the song.

Biggest mistake of his life.

You had that song stuck in your head for a week and you were not going to leave Jesse out of the loop. Everyone caught onto it and tease him about it to this day.

You later got over the song, but whenever he pisses you off... You got a weapon in your arsenal to torture him with for as long as you like.

The End

Quick Side Note:

How come no one has animated McCree doing this song? I know there's a fan animation of TF2 characters dancing and lip singing to this but why is McCree left out of the loop? Or did someone fan animate this cowboiii let me know plz.

The End End

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