Talon's Greatest Threat

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For some context: There are subtle references to one of my past fanfic, Widowmaker Had a Friend Once. However, it doesn't really apply much to the plot. Read that fanfic first if you want to better understand Widow's behavior, but its been explained in here a bit so I wouldn't worry much about it. 

Moira loved abusing nature; it was one of her favorite hobbies. She calls it genetically modifying living things but most people call it murder. Either or works for this mad scientist as she was about to inject her last lab rabbit with kool aid.

"Dr.O'Deorian, the voices in my head are playing Despacito again." Sigma called out as he entered the lavatory in his galaxy themed pajamas. His entrance caused Moira to jump and stab the bunny in the heart and push the red kool aid into the bunny.

"OH FUCKING HELL! Sigma! I told you to knock!" Moira yelled as the bunny spewed blood and/or kool aid everywhere.

"I know, I just really want to get this song out of my head." He floated over to what could be described as a crime scene according to PETA. The bunny wasn't moving or blinking or living. It wasn't even half dead, a quarter dead, or mostly dead. It was just dead.

"Because of your abrupt entrance, my kool aid experiment went to waste!" She picked up the rabbit's body, carrying it to the window and yeeting it like a football. "Fuck you, Rabbit #X09!" She shouted as she slammed the window shut with bloody hands.

"Are you gonna wash your hands?" Sigma asked politely.

"No, Ginger skin naturally sucks in the blood of the innocent." As he looked down at her hands, they were no longer covered in red but back to their pale state.

"ANYWAYS, what was your hypothesis for this... kool aid experiment?"

Moira looked up in thought, humming as she remembered fondly of what occurred only 15 minutes ago. "Well, I couldn't sleep so I went to the fridge for some milk and all I found was a packet of kool aid."

"A packet of kool aid? They're not even supposed to be-"

"Hush! I decided to make some kool aid just because I didn't want to drink water. I added the cherry flavoring and mixed it into ice water, taking a sip. Then I realized that this beverage is like no other. Their mascot holds a genetic code that's just too... perfect. I figured that if I injected the kool aid into one of my lab animals, then they would receive the powers of the Kool Aid Man." She grinned at the thought of a giant pitcher of red juice beating up Overwatch agents left and right. The screams heard when the words "Oh Yeah" were muttered. The sponsorships and fortune she would receive bringing Kool Aid Man to life.

"Dr.O'Deorian, your story has helped change the song in my brain to Thriller by Michael Jackson. However, I'm concerned about your recent projects as of late."

Moira raised her eyebrow, "How can you be concerned, Siebren? Every last bunny tested is dead. You can go out the window and look for yourself."

"The bunnies might be dead, but what is it to say that they might not be resting peacefully. I've seen the pop rocks and cola inquiry, the lava lamp trails, and the unforgettable Easter bunny demonstration. Each rabbit tested dying a slow death to be tossed out a window on the highest floor of the base!Maybe it's the melody in my head, but I think those rabbits are going to haunt you."

The ginger laughed at such a ridiculous thought. "You should probably listen to I Don't Care by Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber because I don't care."

"But I don't know that song." Sigma admitted, for he was not a Belieber or a Sheerio.

"Quit your whining, Siebren, this base is not going to be haunted by stupid furry lab rabbits. Take your AirPods out and hear the air vents!" The air vents are often occupied by a colony of bees and they're having their first revolution right now. Doomfist placed some toy guillotines for the queen bee to execute any rebelling worker bees. He loves to hear news of the monarchy, especially when the worker bees fight back against the queen. They're little bee screams are amplified by the vents depending on where you are in the base. Widowmaker's room is the loudest, so she usually sleeps in her house.

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