My rant on the microscopic lore Overwatch has

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As you all know, the only thing keeping Overwatch alive are the new characters being added every few months.

I do not play the game, mind you, but I'm in the fandom enough to know that there's a split between the fandom: the gaming memes and the gay ships.

 The two G's.

 Most of the gaming memes revolve around what Overwatch lacks in game play. For example, how playable characters get nerfed and restricts the people that main that character; as well as the buffed up characters that players want to be nerfed because it seems unfair. Another part of the game's issue is that it does nothing new to change the game style. It's a fucking multiplayer shooter game. There's events that do mix things up, like Retribution and Storm Rising, but it gets to a point where it's over-played. Pun intended. There's the same events every year, with nothing different but a few skins and sprays. Because of that, the game becomes less popular.

Let's take a legendary game that everyone knows: Minecraft. What does Minecraft do different than Overwatch? Ignore the fact that the games together are two different types of playstyles. Minecraft has updates that don't restrict the player, but add to their world. It gives the player more to craft, more places to explore, and more reason for it to remain popular (Also pewdipie but WE'RE NOT TALKING ABOUT THAT). Overwatch tends to put too much focus on making the character stats fair to everyone and it takes away from further expanding Overwatch's updates to things that add to the gaming experience. Nothing in life is ever going to be fair and there are always going to be people that don't like certain aspects of the game. What draws people's attention is new stuff, such as new events and new player modes. They have definitely gotten better with this in the past year, with the two new maps and the Storm Rising event. Even so, there is one problem in the game that does bother me.

Overwatch was not made to be a videogame, it was originally going to be a movie. There's so much potential for it to be a movie.


Why the F U C K isn't this beautiful boi in a movie?

The story of Overwatch itself is the thing that dragged me into the fandom in the first place. I've always liked the good vs. evil dynamics in every story and movie. Because this game was designed to be a movie, it partially fails. First off, they keep alluding to something when we all know they won't ever say shit about it until five years later. If you're going to make a game into a story, you can't be vague with the lore. Life is Strange is a storytelling videogame that was allowed to foreshadow events because it had an ending that explained everything. It explained why Max's best friend, Chole, got shot in the girl's bathroom and why the shooter shot her (no major spoilers don't worry). Overwatch never ends. There's no ending to a multiplayer shooter game because you can literally go for another round for as long as you like. No one knows why all these different characters that are good or evil are teaming up together. In fact, it makes no sense. 

Tracer cannonly despises Widowmaker because she's so brainwashed that she has no morals. 

They in a match together.

Doomfist insults McCree's clothes to his face.

They in a match together.

Another thing: Doomfist and Widowmaker have a voice interaction with Hanzo saying that he should join Talon. Hanzo says no. AS HE'S IN A MATCH WITH THEM. "I won't join Talon" as he is fighting alongside a talon agent.

I get it: It's just a game. But I wish there was some context on what brought these two different sides together. 

A way to fix the lore problem is to not try to make promises you just can't keep. Don't foreshadow shit. Tell it how it is. An new event that helps push the story could help explain a few questions on what happened during the Omnic Crissis and the rise of Overwatch. For instance, we can go to Morrison's POV and be in a memory of the battle that made them Overwatch. It helps with Reyes's backstory, shows the bond between the founders, and is a different vibe compared to the past Archives. Retribution was depressing cause that's when the shit hit the fan, King's Row Uprising was more of Tracer's beginnings as a hero, and Storm Rising... The only thing I can remember is that there was a lot of Gency moments but I'm just gonna guess that they failed at catching Maximillion which they probably did. Let's get some POSITITVITY, shine some light on the successes of Overwatch and not the parts where everything fell out the window. What Bizzard could also do is do an event about Talon because we only know that they are the bad guys (duh) and they want to do bad shit. Idk their motives at all. Probably take over the world because that's the motive of literally ever stereotypical villain. We're familiar with all the bad guy's motives: Reaper wants to kill Morrison, Sombra wants to find out who's really in control over the world, Widowmaker likes shooting things, Moira wants to have infinite control over her work, Sigma is just doing what he is told to do, and Doomfist... Idk but probably take over the world or some shit. Talon needs to have some other purpose, like was Talon meant to be like Overwatch? How did Talon come to be? 

Here is my advice to people who want to make a videogame with lore:

1.) Don't make it into team fortress two

2.) If you're going to do step one, establish lore and just flat out say it. Don't foreshadow something and not go back to it. You can add more to the story with events and different game modes.

3.) Nerf and Buff less characters, focus on maps and events for players to play

4.) Make the game make sense, don't make it like every tom and jerry episode where the previous episode is never brought up again.

In conclusion, just make Overwatch into a fucking movie.

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