Blackwatch Genji x Mercy: Christmas Cheer

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Narrator POV:

Angela was all about the thrills of Christmas: the decorations, the food, and especially the holiday movies. She was the queen of Christmas and everyone in Overwatch knew it. Every year, she would host an ugly sweater party and she was also in charge of decorating the HQ. People call her the "Christmas Angel".

This year would be no different. Angela was determined to throw the ultimate holiday party that would put Santa out of business. However, there's a new part of the equation now: Genji. Genji was the Grinch of Christmas and always seemed to hate it for heaven knows why. He sees a Christmas tree, he slices it with his katana. That tree had to be prepared by Torbjorn with a bunch of metal scraps to reinforce the tree and so Genji doesn't slice it open again. McCree said Happy Holidays to Genji to only be given a death stare and the cold shoulder. Very Grinchy.

Instead of feeling discouraged, Angela continued to amp it up a thousand notches. Decorations were put in every hallway and room. They somehow got into the men's bathroom. Genji woke up in the morning to see Christmas thrown up in his own room. That drew the line in the sand for him as he angrily marched up to the Medial quarters. He slammed the door open to see Angela on her computer doing paperwork while she hummed to the song Jingle Bell Rock on the radio. She looked up at him with a smile that went from ear to ear, "Good morning Genji. What seems to be the problem?" Her eyes glanced up to the celling, his eyes followed to see Mistletoe. Genji looked away in disgust, "I know it was you that put up those idiotic decorations in my room and I want you to stop."

"Not until you stop being such a Grinch about Christmas. Doctor's orders."

"Do you not know when to stop? You're wasting your time, just leave me alone."

"I will not leave you alone until you tell me why you're acting this way! This is the season to be jolly and happy but you are not. I can't be happy until you are happy."

"Then you're wasting your time." Genji pulled the mistletoe off from the celling, throwing it down, stomped on it, and turned away while closing the door harshly.

Throughout the day, Genji noticed the decorations slowly being removed. Heck, by the time he came to his room at the end of his training with Reyes the room was wiped clean of any red and green. Still, he couldn't help but feel guilty for being so cruel to Angela. She only wanted to make him happy and all he did was rain on her parade. He knew how much she enjoyed celebrating Christmas and he ruined it for her. He had to apologize.

During dinner, Angela was no where to be found. Her seat at the table was empty, and the entire table was bare of anything festive. Everyone had their suspicions, glaring at Genji coldly as they ate their food. Genji looked down at his food, ramen noodles just how he likes them. Yet he couldn't even lift a chopstick to grab it, his appetite was lost. Instead he picked at it like there was something wrong with it. Reminds him of how Angela attempted to make ramen for his birthday to make him feel more human than machine. It didn't taste good but he ate every bit of it knowing how hard she tried. Angela tries so hard to make him feel happy when he's feeling blue, she always been on his side ever since the day he lost himself. Now she has given up on him entirely. Genji couldn't let that happen. Not on what was supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year.

"I'm sorry, everyone. I am the reason why Angela is not here with us right now." Genji's head still down, picking at the ramen noodles with his chopsticks.

"No shit, Sherlock." McCree mumbled.

"I want to make things right with Angela, but I'm afraid I don't know how." He looks up at everyone with sadness in his red eyes. 

Tracer blinks herself towards Genji and gives him a hug from behind, "We can help you out, mate! Right guys?"

Everyone nods except McCree. Gabriel gives him the death stare and McCree agrees. 
"Well the Grinch does bring back Christmas at the end of the book, doesn't he?" 

With that, Genji and all the Overwatch agents were determined to bring back Christmas.

It didn't go so well.

Decorations looked out of place, snowflakes looked like a kindergartener made them, Reinhardt got tangled in Christmas lights, and McCree lit the Christmas tree on fire with his cigar. Then Tracer had to get the fire extinguisher to find it wrapped in wrapping paper. She ripped open the fire extinguisher and blasted it in several directions. When the fire looked like it was anguished, it revealed all the decorations were soaked. 

Genji sighed, "Let's face it, Angela is better at this than we are."

Tracer touched his shoulder, "At least she'll be happy knowing that you tried."

"Lena, I can't show her this mess after everything she has done for me this year. She deserves better."

"Looks to me somebody has a thing for the Christmas Angel." McCree smirked.

"I do. But what can I do to show her how I truly feel?"

*Time skip to rooftop of Overwatch building*

Angela looked out on the world, drinking her hot cocoa from a Christmas Sweater mug. Her blue eyes gazed at the cityscape. Her attention was taken away when she heard the sound of a door close. Angela turned around to see Genji right in front of her with mistletoe in his hand hung up high above her head. In his other hand, he held a single poinsettia. 

She was speechless.

"Angela, I am sorry for my behavior recently. It was childish of me to act like a Grinch to everyone. You've done so much for me and I want to thank you for bringing me happiness during my hardships. I hope that this will help make up for everything."

He planted a kiss on her cheek, and handed her the flower. As he was about to walk away, Angela pulled Genji into a kiss on the lips. His heart felt as if it skipped a beat. That would probably be a bad thing but in this case it was a good thing. He returned the kiss, holding her closer to him as if he was going to lose her. The kiss was long, but it slowly came to an end.

Angela wrapped her arms around his cyborg body. 

"And the Grinch's heart grew three sizes that day..." she recited.

Genji laughed, "And then he lived happily ever after with his Christmas Angel."

She returned the laugh. "That's not how the story goes!"

"That's our story goes." He kissed her forehead.


As soon as Genji and Angela walked into the room holding hands, they stumbled upon the mess that was the mess hall.

"Overwatch was a mistake." Jack grumbled as Reyes and Reinhardt threw paper balls at each other.

Winston then came into the room with burnt cookies. "Cookies are not the same as science." He stated. 

Moira took one of the cookies and examined it, "Seems that you did not follow the recipe correctly."

"Easy for you to say, you never follow the rules."

"Who burnt the cookies?"

The argument started to heat up from there. And then the smoke coming from the kitchen set off the sprinklers, making everyone soaking wet. Genji luckily has a waterproof body. 

"You tried to redecorate everything? For me?" Angela smiled.

"Emphasis on tried." McCree threw away his dead cigar.

"Alright, everyone. Let's turn off the sprinklers and clean up this mess. No one leaves until this places looks exactly like it did before." Jack ordered.

It took the whole night, but every nook and cranny was dry and clean. Angela even found time to put up more Christmas decorations with the help of Genji and everyone else. Genji went to bed that night happy that he got what he wished for: Someone to care about.

The End.

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