Soldier:76 and D.Va Find Winston a Girlfriend

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My brain: How the fuck will Winston get a Gorilla Girlfriend?

Narrator POV:

"Why are we at the zoo, Daddy-O?" D.Va asked as she was strolled along in her kid cart by the old soldier.

"We need to find Winston a girlfriend, Hanna." Soldier 76 stated with an index finger held up to the sky figuratortively.

"What? This is why you brought me here?!" Winston yelled angrily. "You told me we were going to the zoo for research!"

"Yes, research to find you the perfect mate." Soldier 76 stopped at the gorilla den area. 

"This is very unprofessional of you Morrison, pushing yourself into my private life like this in a zoo out of all places!" Winston huffed.

"It becomes a problem when I'm up all night hearing animal sounds coming from your room!"

"Yea! He needs to turn down the volume on his TV when he watches Animal Planet!" D.Va added.

Soldier 76 shook his head, "Oh D.Va you poor innocent soul..."

"You could of just simply told me about the noise complaint, it doesn't mean I need a girlfr-"

Winston's eyes glanced towards the flash of a yellow color, he immediately turned around to see a zoo employee giving a naked gorilla a banana. His mouth started to droll at the sight.

"Earth to Winston." Soldier 76 shook his gloved hand infront of Winston's face. "Did you see some um monkey you like?"

Winston got out of his daze and looked at the Soldier confused. "No?"

"Oooooo Winston's got a crush! Do you mind telling me and 1000000000000000 of my veiwers who your crush is? Promise we won't tell!"

Soldier 76 snatched D.Va's phone from her hands, "Hana I told you to get off your phone 3 times since we got there! Three strikes means your out."

"Hey! No fair!" She crossed her arms and pouted.

"You'll get it back once we're back home now START ENJOYING NATURE YOU UNGREATFUL  CHILD." 

"Wow a giant gorilla!" D.Va pointed at Winston in the gorilla den without any clothes on, snatching the banana from the zoo employee like a savage.

"HANA ADVERT YOUR EYES!" Soldier's hands quickly covered DV.a's vision as he cringed at the sight of seeing Winston naked.

Narrator Voice: And that's why Winston can no longer go to the zoo.


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