A Brief Update About Fanfiction and My Feelings About Overwatch 2

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Sup peeps. Now, I haven't been posting a lot and the stuff that I have been are not for everyone. Beyond some odd fanfiction, my feelings towards Overwatch 2 are complex. I'll try to be brief, but dudes feel free to not read this if you don't feel like it. I just feel some weird ass obligation to update my audience.

The fanfiction update:

I'm gonna start shifting my focus on bringing more fluff and angst content again. I might do fanfics for the new heroes; I do have an idea for a Kiriko x Reader but I haven't really grasped Kiriko's personality yet. Weird excuse, but I like understanding the characters before I write about them so their actions are at least semi-realistic. 

I've also been trying to make my one-shots shorter since they wind up being around 7000 words long. I tried to stay around 2000 words for a Cassidy x reader I'm working on and now it's around 9000 words long- and that's if I make it into a two parter. So, please let me know if you prefer having a long fanfic that's split up into parts or if you'd rather just have a whole fanfic all-together in one story? You're probably gonna read them either way, but anything to make the fanfics less intimidating and more digestible. 

Overwatch 2 Rant Time:

My love for Overwatch was more towards the lore of the game itself- not the actual gameplay. I heard so many people complain about nerfs and loot boxes that it just made me not want to get it. Especially since the lore was never a main focus of the game, just something sprinkled in from time to time. Overwatch 2 got announced a year after I got into the fandom, so I decided to wait until that game came out... Well now it's here and I don't want to touch it at all.

 I thought Overwatch was bad before, but somehow I was proven wrong. Blizzard is a gaming company I was never familiar with whatsoever, but what's been coming out about them recently is showing me how scummy they are. They allowed sexism and racism in their own company to slide, only being revealed in a lawsuit. They let Overwatch basically die out while making Overwatch 2, only to delete Overwatch and replace it with Overwatch 2, the game they put out wasn't even playable on launch day, the game itself is incomplete, and you have to pay a lot of money to get new content because they made the entire game free. I don't want to hate on the Overwatch employees for this, since a lot of love did go into the new heroes' character designs. But my god there's obviously some disconnect between the marketing team or something. 

This game is obviously rushed, put out because the hype for Overwatch 2 was dying out over the past 3 years and they needed to make money. It's just sad, seeing a game that has so much potential to be better turn into something worse. It makes me worry that this will become a pattern in the gaming industry; putting out incomplete games and updating them to become more playable.

To lighten the mood, I will say a joke:

Overwatch 2? More like Overwatch 1.2

*cues laughter*

Ok update over, peeps, have a good day/night.

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