If You Give Overwatch Characters A Cookie...

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Tracer: Rewinds the cookie.

Torbuern: Builds armor for the cookie.

Mei: Freezes the cookie.

Winston: Makes genetically modified versions of the cookie that taste like bananas.

Zara: Arm wrestles the cookie.

Reinhart: Befriends the cookie.

Lucio: Makes a song dedicated to the cookie.

Ashe: Let's the cookie join the deadlock gang.

B.O.B: Does something to the cookie.

D.va: Beats the cookie in Super Mario kart.

Brigitte: Protects the cookie with her shield.

Hanzo: Slices the cookie several times and neglects it for ten minutes. He feels guilty and tries to glue it back together but the damage has already been done.

Genji: Meditates with the cookie.

Zenyatta: Tells you that he can't eat the cookie but appreciates the thought and keeps it.

Mercy: Does a check up on the cookie.

Reaper: Puts the cookie on his list. His grocery list.

Soldier:76 :Has the cookie in his sights but doesn't know whether or not to eat it.

Widowmaker: Kills the cookie's husband, making it a widow cookie. Then she eats it.

Sombra: She hacked the cookie.

McCree: He ate it at high noon.

Doomfist: He meteor-striked the cookie and put the remains into some ice cream.

Orisa: Is saving the cookie for Efi.

Bastion: Breaks the cookie into bread-crumb like pieces and feeds it to his bird.

Moria: Turned the cookie into a mutant cookie.

Symettra: Made a perfect version of the cookie and ate that version rather than the original.

Junkrat: Explodes the cookie.

Roadhog: Eats the cookie greedily.

Ana: Dips the cookie in with her tea.

Phara: Throws the cookie up in the air, shoots it, and shouts "COOKIES RAIN FROM ABOVE!" Ana made her vacuum the cookie bits off the floor.

Wreckingball: He examines the cookie. He goes to the cookie. He eats the cookie. He thanks you for the cookie.

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