The Renewed Overwatch Annual Halloween Party

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Winston was excited to hold the Renewed Overwatch Annual Halloween Party, or ROAHP for short. His invite list was small, being made up of his close friends and colleagues, so he did not prepare for much. Potato chips were laid out, blood red punch available, candy in a big jack-o-lantern bowl, and cheap but cute decor decorating the walls of the abandoned Gibraltar base. He tried to keep his expectations low, but part of him was hoping to have everyone he invited show up. No weird video holograms, texts, calls, or emails telling him they weren't available. By the time the clock struck seven, the doors opened and brought with them the life of what would be a small get-together.

"Lena! Mei! I'm so glad to see you!" Winston gave them both a hug before he looked at their costumes. Lena dressed up as a pilot-probably an old uniform she had laying around. Mei was little red riding hood, snowball wearing a small set of wolf ears to provoke what would be know as the big bad wolf.  "Wow, cool costumes! Can you guess mine?"

Winston had taken a lot of time into finding a costume that could be worn by apes. He shamefully had to go to some black market zoo website just to get the outfit. 

"An old man?" Lena asked.

"Ben Franklin with a beige hat?" Mei wondered out loud.

"That old guy from Tarzan?" The zippity girl changed her answer.

"NO! I'm an explorer!" Winston gestured to his costume.  "Is it not that obvious?"

Genji's head poked out above the two short girls, "Not at all, Winston." Lena and Mei jumped out of the way as Genji the cyborg ninja dude entered the scene in a Pikachu hoodie.

"Genji! You are- um... Sorry is this a pop culture reference?" Winston scratched his neck beard.

"I thought Pikachu was universal culture as of now, but sure." Genji walks in and turns to the snack bar. "OOooo candy!"

"NO CANDY!" Mercy walks in a devil costume, slapping the candy out of Genji's hand. "Have an apple instead, it's nature's candy." She pulls out a basket of apples from a black bag.

"Come on, Angela, don't act like you don't gorge yourself on Swiss chocolate every so often." Genji was then met with Angela's plastic red triton bonking him on the head. 

"NO. I'm a good devil this year, giving mortals like you the brutal truth of what candy does to your mortal vessels." 

"... So like a doctor?" 

"NINE!" Angela scolds, then getting distracted to see a familiar face walk in. Their costume could look like a costume to anyone that didn't know him, but everyone knew this man too well. He lifted the brim of his hat, "Howdy everyone." He gave everyone a wide half-smile while a cigar hung from his mouth.

Winston breaks the silence. "Well-um-happy Halloween, McCree. What's your costume?"

The cowboy points to a name tag tapped to the left side of his chest, which wrote in messy Sharpie the name Cole Cassidy. "For Halloween, I figure I'd come dressed up as myself this year."

"Nani?" Genji tilted his head in confusion. "You look the same, Jes-"

"It's Cole... My name's Cole, guys."

Angela rolled her eyes, "Your costume is not gonna win the costume party. You should have had some creativity with it- like dressing up as Charcoal or coming in as a cup of Coleslaw."


Lena raised her hand, "So are you going to be Cole Cassidy for just Halloween?"

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