Soldier:76 x Reader: Do You Really Want to Know Where I Was?

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High Infidelity by Taylor Swift was stuck in my head which spawned angst, the ending is fluffy (short read btw). 

I don't know when it happened. It was a slow withdrawal; the bed empty and the nights colder. Loneliness sunk in, weighing heavy on my heart as my mind carried out scenarios of where Jack might've been. He would always come back before the sunrise, stumping over the bed as he fell asleep without so much of a word to me. Without so much of a touch. We weren't partners anymore, we were just two people sharing the same bed. He never tells me where he's been, and I haven't had the nerve to figure it out for myself. I want to stay in this ignorant bliss, like a comforting blanket draped over my eyes. I couldn't bear the thought of leaving him, after all the years of me staying by his side. I thought all those years had pushed down those walls he built up. I thought I was his person, now it seems to be someone else.

I felt the mattress shift to his weight, a heavy sigh followed as he settled into bed with me. He thinks I'm asleep, thinks I'm oblivious to his late nights crawling back into our room. I wished he'd say something, anything to me. But he doesn't, no good nights or good night kisses. We might as well be strangers rather than lovers. A pit forms in my stomach, I couldn't take it. I broke the silence.

"How long are you going to keep this up?" I asked.

He lays still as a ghost, I could hear his breath hitch. A long sigh follows, "Y/n, honey, let's talk about this tomorrow."

I scoffed, "I'm done waiting for tomorrow, Jack. I've turned a blind eye to your late night adventures, I never looked into them because I trusted that you would tell me the truth when you were ready to. But I can only be patient for so long."

"Y/n, you have nothing to worry about."

"You say that and I don't believe you- that's why I'm worried." I put my hand on his shoulder, "I miss you, Jack."

He puts his hand over mine, "You won't like what I've been up to."

"Humor me."

"... I've been doing mercenary work. Found a possible lead on where Reyes might be hitting next."

I sighed. "I thought we agreed that you weren't going to live that life anymore."

"I wanted to- I wanted to do it for you so you could be happy, but I feel miserable just sitting here and letting things get worse out there."

"Jack, I wouldn't be upset if you didn't want to live a mundane life."

"But this is what you wanted for us after I went into hiding. This was your dream after Overwatch disbanded. I had my dream, I was strike commander and that dream was lived. All I wanted to give you was your dream, after all the shit we've been through, I wanted you to have this."

"Baby, this is far from my dream. I want you to confide in me, not hide things from me. What's the point of living my dream if I can't share it with you?" I cupped his face in my hand, my thumb running over his cheek feeling the skin raise with the scars running across his face.

He frowns, "I want to avenge what Reyes and Talon did to Overwatch- to my family... I can't do that here."

I nodded, "I should've known; you were never one to let things go."

"That's what got me you, isn't it?" He holds a bittersweet grin.

"It was," I smile, recalling how flustered he was asking me out back when Overwatch was still new. "We kept rallying each shot on the targets, the highest one got to do whatever the other wanted. I bet you to run three miles in nothing but a pair of running shoes."

He chuckled, "And I bet to take you out for dinner. Lucky for me, I outshot you by a hair."

I laughed with him, until we grew quiet. We looked at one another with a fondness that I missed for weeks. "If going out and saving the world is going to make you happy, then you should do it Jack."

"What about you? Wouldn't you worry about me?"

"I would, if I wasn't coming with you."


"I vowed to stay by your side til death do us part. Someone's gotta keep an eye on you out there."

"I don't want you to get involved, it's dangerous."

"I just so happen to like danger." I smirked, shrugging my shoulders. "I can't let you have all the fun, can I?"

He laughed, lowering his head as he sighed, "What am I going to do with you?"

"What you always do," I moved closer towards him, "Begrudgingly say I'm right." I pecked his lips.

His smile returns to his face, "Are you sure about this?"

"Of course I'm sure, I'm your partner after all. I want to support you, I want to be a part of this." I reach for his hand, calloused and cold.

"You're right." He grinned, kissing my lips. I could feel the raised scar on his lips, smell the scent of his minty aftershave lingering on his face. He pulled away, putting a hand over my cheek. "I love you, babe."

I smiled, "Love you, too." I went back for another kiss, "Let's go back to bed. We got a long day ahead of us." I tucked myself back under the covers, his back pressed against mine as he spooned me. The anxiety I felt long faded, and a new adventure was on the horizon. I went to sleep with the comfort of having him by my side once again.

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