Sombra Overbooped

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Sombra couldn't stop herself for her finger had a mind of it's own. Overnight, Sombra had booped countless noses and buttons in her sleep. When she woke up, the smell of smoke and rubble filled her nostrils.

Opening her purple eyes, she looked upon the destruction of a building. 

Oh wait-

"SOMBRAAAA!" Reaper yelled as he stomped his way over to the hacker.

"Good morning to you, Gabe. You look so... Well rested."


"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Care to remind me?"

"You booped the self destruct button, why Talon installed it is beyond me." Moira commented as she drank her morning coffee as she stared at the destruction.

"You're mindless booping has to stop ,Sombra, or else!" Reaper threatened.

"Or else what?"

"I won't cook you shit."

"WHAT?! Ok ok I will fix my stupid booping problem right now."


Sombra turned her head to see the blurple (blue and purple) French lady standing next to her, staring daggers at her.


She needs help.

*timeskip to Mercy's office*

Mercy turned around to her patient to see Sombra sitting at the doctor table table thing.

"Sombra what are you doing here? And why are you booping the poster of that baby?"

"It's the only thing keeping me from booping you're nose, Doctor."

"What do you need?"

"A diagnosis for this, doc. I can't stop booping."

".......... I... Don't have a diagnosis for obsessive booping. This is one of the most peculiar cases I've ever seen. I suggest you go to another doctor, here's her number."

Sombra took the note in her non-booping hand and left the office, booping countless patcients and a dead man's nose.

Mercy sighed as she took out some paperwork to fill out.

Then Sombra came back in and booped Mercy on the nose and ran away.

*timeskip to another doctor's office*

"I have a diagnosis! You got booptitis." Doc Mcstuffins declared.

"What the f-"

"The only way to solve this case is to CHOP THE FINGER OFF... Or fix your nervous system."

"Um. Is there any way that I could fix my booptitis without spending money?"

"Well, you could just get a fidget toy for a dollar at the dollar store."

"Thanks doc."

And so Sombra bought herself a cheap af fidget toy and proceeded to boop the device. She booped it so much that she didn't realize it was bed time until McCree declared it was high moon like owl or the opposite of a rooster. (McCree's ult is loud enough to hear like rooster) And so she went to bed, placing the fidget toy on her night stand before dripping off to sleep.

Or so she thought.

Within the next 8 hours, Sombra has sleep-booped countless persons, places, and things. She sleep-booped all the Overwatch agents, waking them all up and some how dodged the bullets just by booping them.

Through her night of debooptury, Sombra booped the fourth wall and it fell like the old lady that had fallen and couldn't get up. Once she was out of the fourth wall, there was no stopping her. The overwatch team had received the boops from Sombra's bullet proof finger. 

Then her finger had stumbled on a button, the nerf mercy button. 

It was made to be booped.

With one boop from Sombra booping the nerf Mercy button, Mercy fell to the ground like Mufasa. 

"DAMNIT JEFF!" Mercy cried.

Long story short, anything can be booped and everyone.

The End

If you guys want a part two let me know. Thanks.

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