SuperWhoTrekLock preface-What you name your child (Boy)

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Continued from what you name your daughter//////

Iron Man- Howard Steven Stark
Captain America- James Donavan Rogers, James after Bucky and Donavan is what you picked out.

Thor- Lee Reider Odinson(Thorson?), You and Thor held a vote for what you should name your son for the team and Lee was the top outcome. Thor's father actulally got over that a mortal was birthing his first grandson and picked out the Reider. He didn't really give you or Thor an explanation

Hulk- Brian Matthew Banner, Brian was Bruce's father's name and Matthew is the name of your uncle was pretty much raised you.

Hawk eye-

Dean- John Samuel Wincheseter, Dean is always the family man

Sam- Shepard Jensen, something about the names just seem so... close to home.

Castiel- West Dimitri, Castiel has a list of names that he picked up from all the places he's been, these were the two you both agreed on.

Doctor Who-
9- Jeffery Jacob Smith, JJ for short. He'll grow up to be JJ Abrams.(Trust me)

10- Michael David Smith, Michael because of the angel and David just had... a nice ring to it.

11- Jackson Roman Smith, Jack and Rory.

Jack Harkness- Owen Jonathan Harkness, it was almost John Scott, but Jack thought that sounded to familiar to him... one night stand maybe? So you suggested Jonathan instead.

The Master- Christopher Jon (Master?), it was surprisingly hard but in the end you two agreed on the name.

Sherlock Holmes- Oliver William Hamish Holmes, William is his real name and he thought his son and him should have that in common. You picked out Oliver, because your biggest craving is olives and Hamish for... Well for John.

John Watson- Will John Watson, Will after Sherlock and John after the father. (a/n My crush' middle name is his father's name but he's named after George Strait. 😂)

Jim Moriarty- Sebastian Collin, he claims that if you weren't around to keep him straight, he would date Sebastian, his favourite sniper. He also claims that in middle school he had a friend named Collin who he later murdered and for once in his life, he felt bad.

Greg Lestrade- Harvey Byron, Harvey is Greg's dad's middle name and Byron is your awesome cousin I just made up's name.

Mycroft Holmes- David James Scott Holmes, David James is a nice sense able name that has a respectable sound and Scott after his brother.

Star Trek-
Jim Kirk- William 'Will' George Kirk, William is a pleasant name and George after his father, Jim was nice enough to not give him George as the first name.

Spock- Levi James S'chn T'gai, Levi is just a nice name that you both agreed that you liked. James, oh course for Jim.

Leonard McCoy- Blake Simon McCoy, it took you for ever to decicd the name, until you saw your child for the first time and knew that he was a Blake

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