Jim Kirk

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Read on, I hope you enjoy it. Beyond was amazing! Best movie since The Force Awakens! I probably didn't get most of the dialoge right, but hey. C'est La Vie.

This might be triggering to some, but I just want to say that the reader doesn't die (sorry, spoiler)


 You weren't having a good day.

Well, maybe that was a little harsh. It'd been fine up until now. You'd been going about about your business (which happened to be trying to locate any animal like life forms on the planet, seeing as you were the ships head zoologist), when suddenly the door of the lab slammed. The loud sound made you gasp. You rushed over to the door, pressing the button to open it. It didn't budge. You tried again. No luck. Maybe it was some sort of minor malfunction. Yeah, Scotty could probably fix in a couple of minutes. So you tried contacting the bridge. Nothing. The com had stopped working.

 Now you were scared. You were in here all alone and no one appeared to be in the hall. The lights turned to flashing red. That meant head to the pods. You were thrown off your feet, but you were in the air for a mere moment before crashing to the room. A strange tongue came from outside. The feeling in your gut told you that you didn't want to be seen. You crawled along the ground, peeking out the small window. The only thing you could see at first was the flashing of green and blue lights. Your world went dizzy as you realized what the lights were. They were phasers. Someone was attacking the Enterprise. The ship lurched again, sending you flying against the opposite wall. Then you were... floating? No, not floating. You were falling... sort of. The ship was going down. And you were going down with it. You felt tears prick at your eyes. Not at the idea of dying. No, you had prepared yourself for that a long time ago. No, what upset you was the thought of never seeing your crew again. They kept you grounded, they kept you sane, even when they drove you insane. They were your family away from your family. And now you were going to die without having said a proper goodbye. The lights stopped and everything was still for a moment. Who'd ever been after the ship had left. Maybe you weren't going to die after all.

 "Go! Get to ze pods!"

 You felt a flame of hope start inside you. You knew that voice, it was Chekov! And he was talking to someone! You weren't the last person on the ship!

 But when you opened your mouth to scream nothing came out. Just a very hoarse cry, barely loud enough for you to hear. You beat on the wall as you watched them ran past, but to avail. If they even heard your banging, they just assumed the sound was the ship. It was useless. You were going to meet your end here. It could be worse. You could be in some prison somewhere. You could have been mauled to death by an alien animal that you'd spent your life studying. You could have never joined Starfleet. You could have never worked with your crew. You could have just been someone's housewife. You could have ended up working a job you hated. You could have never meet the captain. The captain...  Your one regret was never telling Jim how you felt. You doubt that he could have returned your feelings. The man didn't seem the type to settle on one girl. Although you hadn't heard any of the women on the ship talk about him. Or him talk about any of the women on the ship. Maybe being on a ship with the same people for three years had changed him. You prayed to the universe that he and the rest of the crew made it out of the ship. Then you slammed into door and everything went black.

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