Spock (Again)

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Okay, yeah I know I need to do different people but this one just came to mind!


You bit your lip as you dragged the knife blade along your wrist. A few nurses had been talking about how one of their co-workers was going to die alone or with some half Klingon freak, and you assumed they were talking about you which almost made you cry. But you didn't cry because Spock, your biggest crush was right there next to the gaggle of beautiful girls, staring at you. You felt ugly and unloved so you resorted to old habits.

'I deserve this.' You thought, watching the blood stream steadily down your arm. It hurt, but you didn't care. It was worth it to be skinny like those other nurses. Tears slipped down your face like the blood on your arm. You looked at the knife, then to your stomach, clawing at it slightly. You jumped when you heard a buzz from your door.

Spock stood outside, waiting for you to answer. He wanted to check up on you after hearing what those women were saying. He knew they were talking about you, even though he couldn't understand why. To him you were beautiful, kind, graceful, smart and all in all, perfect. Spock had watched you go into your room and knew that you were hurt so he came and knocked. After waiting for a while, he deiced that you weren't going to open the door and opened it himself.

"Ms. (l/n)?" The half Vulcan called out. You weren't in the bedroom but he saw the bathroom door open and walked in side to see you sitting with your back against the toilet and a bloody knife laying next to you. Your face was pale and your eye were rimmed with red. "Please go away Spock." You whispered. Spock silently cursed those stupid girls for causing you self harm as he made his way over to you and kneeling to your level. He gentle grabbed your arm and studied your scars. "Stand up. I'm going to wash your arm off."He commanded gently. You obeyed and winced when the warm water grazed your cut up skin. Spock rubbed your shoulder a bit in an attempt of comfort. "Are you going to tell the Captain about this?" You ask, quietly looking up at the much taller man. He said nothing, just wrapped up your arm and carried you to your bed. "Do you want to talk?" He question in a voice you had never heard him use. It was soft, possibly with a hint of emotion. You nodded, not trusting your voice. He waited for you to speak, but when you opened your mouth you broke down sobbing. You looked down, not wanting to see Spock's judgmental face, but then Spock did something surprising. He hugged you. You hugged him back and buried your face in his chest.

 "Thank you Spock. But why did you come down her in the first place?" You wonder as the question popped into your mind. "I heard those nurses discussing their illogical opinion on you." He responed. You looked up, shocked. "I-lllogical?" You stuttered.  "Oh course. They didn't make sense. You are above mating with Klingons." Spock stated, making with eye contact with you. Then he kissed you. You stood in shock for a moment, then melted into the kiss.

****Two days later**************************************************************

                    The captain and Spock stood by the mess hall, watching as people come in and out. "That chick is pretty hot." The captain mutter to Spock, nodding toward you. "Ms. (l/n)? She's in a romantic relationship and I do not believe that she would display affection to another man while with him." Spock retorted, feeling a bit peeved that Kirk had spoken that way about you. "What? Really? I heard she cuts, seems pretty desperate for addition to me." Kirk snorted. Spock glared at the captain and walked over to you.

  "Hey Spock!" You smiled up at him. "Hello (y/n)." The half Vulcan greeted before pressing a soft kiss to your lips. Kirk's brain almost blew up. (y/n) with Spock? Spock with (y/n)? He should have known. Still... Spock got a girl that Kirk hadn't slept with? What?


Hey! I did one like this for David Tennant but whatever. Sorry that its sad. I've just been feeling kinda crapy because my best guy friend is a DB thats obsessed with one of my best friend and won't really talk to me because ya know.. I'm not her. Thanks for reading and please, vote and stuff.

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