Malcolm Reynolds

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Imangine Mal saving you from a crazy people that what your money.

You tripped out of the bar with the men close at hand. Thinking quick, you turn to the woods to the left. "Come back here girl and give us your money!" One guy slurs. You try to ran faster. 'Stupid whiskey.' You think to yourself. A gun shot rings through the trees and a bullet misses you by an inch. You run past a blur. The blur grabs your hand. "Let me go!" You try to scream but it comes out more of a squeak. You're pulled to a stop by said blur which actually turns out to be a man. The man is handsome in a rugged sort of way. He looks from you to the gaggle of men. "Are these men causing trouble for you miss?" The man askes. "Yeah. You could say that." You answer in the most steady voice you can conjure up. "The little brat's daddy owes us all money!" One of the hairier members of the drunks shouts. "Well then the way I see it thats her father's problem not her's." Your protecter says with a look on his face that is almost bored. "Yeah? And whatcha gonna do about it pretty boy?" Another piggy man sneers. Then, almost as if this moment had been plan, a firefly ship landed behind you and the man holding you. "Laugh as my butt kicking team makes you cry out for your mommy." He replies without even blinking. The group of druck idiots look at the ship with priceless expressions. "My best advice to you right now would be to run." You get the courage to advise the men. And run they did. Yelling for their mamas.

"Captain Mal Reynolds. Hi" The strange man finally introduces himself.

"(Y/N) hi."

"Well (Y/N), this has been fun. We should do it more often."

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