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You were clinging to a blanket for life when you first met Leonard McCoy. Well, not the first time you met him, but the first time you'd really noticed him.

You had been stuck in a prison on an alien ship. The horrors you'd been put through...
The blanket was from your room, it had been the first thing Doctor McCoy had request when you had been beamed back. "For her comfort." He had said, although it was more for his. Why? Well, for one, McCoy honestly wasn't sure you were going to make it. You had been put on life support the moment you got back and you were about sixty pounds under weight, which scared McCoy. As simple as it might seem to someone, gaining weight back was hard, epically after what you'd just been through.

You opened your eyes and moved your blanket closer. "(y/n)?" McCoy came into your view. "Hey."
"Hi." You whispered. "How you doin' darlin'?" Despite your condition, you still managed to blush and probably make your face look like rose. "Okay." You said. "Okay?" You nodded. "Okay."

A few days later you had managed to gain two pounds. You also started learning to walk again. Not that you had forgotten, just that you couldn't. McCoy was helping you be standing next to you with his arm draped around your waist. "(y/n), I'm so proud of you." He randomly said as you lay back down in your bed.
"Thank you." You felt your face grow pink. He grinned. "You're a pretty tough girl ya know. I don't think I've ever seen anyone make as much progress as you so fast."

Now it was your turn to grin.

"Say (y/n)... after you get better, whatta say that we have dinner or somethin' together?"

Your jaw almost seriously dropped.

"Really? Just you and I? No Captain, no Spock?" After you asked you realized it was a stupid question.

"Yep, just you and me. No Captain and sure as hell no Spock, although he is more tolerable to eat with than Kirk. So is that a yes?"
You nodded. "Yes."

You were going to get well real fast.

For all you who requested, I'm working on it.

Next is going to be a protective Kirk and a protective McCoy, probably requested by Zak, then I believe a Sherlock one was requested...? And another Spock.

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