Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto)

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This was a request but I'm retarded and so is my phone so I don't know who requested it! But here you go, I had fun writing this!

You had come to the conclusion that Erik was insane. He was no longer the man you had fallen in love with, he was power hungry, cold and almost always in a bad mood.

"Erik, please! Just listen to me!" You cried. You were trying to confront him but he just wasn't listening. He never listened anymore.
"I'm busy (y/n)." He growled.
"Aren't you always?" You sighed.
He turned around. "What did you say?"

You shook your head. "Nothing... Just that you always seem to be busy."
"Because I'm trying to make the world perfect. A perfect world for you and I."

"Killing people and neglecting me doesn't create the perfect world!"
"I'm not neglecting you! I pay as much attention to you as I can and sometimes people have to be killed!"

"No Erik! They don't!"
"What the hell do you know? Do you even know what's going on? Or are you just going along with this because I actually know what I'm doing?!"
He towered over you. He was close, his chest was touching your's but it wasn't in a romantic way, more like an intimidating way. You still looked him straight in the eye.

"Erik, I don't agree with what you're doing. I'm sticking by your side because I don't think that you agree either. I think you're just blind and angry because of what they did to your mother." You hissed.

"Don't you patronize me. I'm doing this for you! I'm not blind out of anger! I'm in too deep to disagree! If you understood what's going on and why, you would agree with me! You'd understand why I'm doing this for you! This is ALL for you!"
It took a moment for him to realize the look of terror in your eyes. Erik's eyes widen. He's backed you against a wall and pin your right arm above your head. He released you.
"I'm sorry." He said.
"How is this for me?" You whispered.
"How is this for me?" You asked louder.
Erik was shaking now. He thought back to watching his mother being beaten to death. Then he though about it happening to you. His (y/n)....
"I-I... Don't want them to hurt you."
Tears began to form in his eyes.
You placed your hand on his cheek.
"(y-y/n)." His voice, normally so powerful, came out almost as a whimper as he placed his large hand over your much smaller one.
"Shh, they're not going to get me Erik, I'm right here. They're not gonna get me. I love you."
Erik nodded.
"I love you too. I'm sorry."
He leant down to kiss you.
But you weren't there.

He woke up in his cell, a cold sweat had broken out over his forehead. He'd dreamed her again. Erik didn't know who (y/n) was, he'd never met a (y/n)... At least not like her.
Not someone with eyes.
Her hair.
Her voice.
Her lips.
Her hands.
Her touch.
Her understanding.
Her love.

She knew everything about him, yet he knew nothing of her expect that he was madly in love with her and she was in possible danger.

"(y/n) where are you? Who are you?"

Jesus Christ Superstar, I need to lighten up

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