Enjolras (Les Mis)

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((musical characters are hot as fuck))
Sorry for not updating for so long, I'm gonna try and do one at least every three days

I was thinking more a long the lines of Aaron Tveit's Enjolras, but that's just because he was the last Enjolras I listened to. I'm also very fond of Ramin Karimloo's (actually, I'm very fond of Ramin Karimloo) <--- who is another hint to my musical trivia that no one has been able to answer yet which is "What musical opened on Broadway in 1988?", another hint, it opened in London two years before and the creator has three entails...

I had something else to say but I forgot, so how's your day?

You and Enjolras were in love. However, on Enjolras's request, you didn't tell anyone. Enjolras was embarrassed. Not of you, never of you. He was embarrassed of his feelings, embarrassed that his strong headedness could be softened by a mer glance or a quiet laugh. The way you made his mind go dizzy was something he would never tell Grantaire, Grantaire would tell everyone. He'd considered telling Marius, but Marius would tell everyone without actually telling everyone by making extremely obvious .

The boys had gotten the idea without Marius's help. Perhaps it was the way that Enjolras always looked and sat by you at cafe meetings. Or the way he walked you after. Or the way that when he walked you 'home', he actually took you to his apartment a floor up, to spend the night. And no matter how much you two would deny it, they would tease you about it.

They would tease Enjolras by asking him who was prettier, you or France? And by singing about how your 'love story' was equal to that of an opera; a cold hearted bastard, unlikely falling in love with a sweet, beautiful, street rat of a girl. They would tease you by asking you about how good of a kisser Enjolras was, and if he was passionate as a lover. And when you rolled your eyes, laughed, and told them that they were being stupid and there's nothing going on between the two of you, they asked you for a kiss. When you said no, they would reply with "Alas, she denies her love, but she'll save her kiss only for Enjolras!"

Of course they meant no harm, they only wanted you and Enjolras to admit your feelings for each other, but it bothered Enjolras. It honestly scared him that he would loose you to one of his mates. Scared for the sake of your relationship, his friendship and the revaluation. He couldn't say anything about it though without giving in.

One night you came into the cafe to return Enjorlas's red scarf. He wasn't in the room but rest of Les Amis were, and it was quite obvious they were all drunk.
"(y/n)!" Courfeyrac greeted. "Hello Courf, hello everyone. Do you know where Enjy is?" A few chuckles rung out across the room. "Here to give him that kiss (nickname)?" Grantaire teased, wiggling his eyebrows. You blushed, causing more laughter and a few hollers. "No R, I came to return the scarf he lent to me last week. I wouldn't dream of kissing him." That last bit of course was a complete lie. Joly hopped out of his sit and wrapped an arm around your waist, making you gasp. "Then how about a kiss for me?" The noise level of the cafe was insanely loud now. You shook your head and tried to get out of Joly's tight grasp. He did not let go. Instantly he went in to plant his lips on your's but you jerked your head the other way. Joly missed and kissed your ear. "Let me have a go!" Cried Feuilly. Joly pushed you over to Feuilly, who tried to grab your face but you ducked away. You turned away, only to come face to face with Combeferre. He was quick enough and his lips lightly grazed your before you pushed him away and backed up. You tripped backwards, right into Grantaire 's lap. You tried to wiggle out of his lap, failing. Everyone laughed loudly as he placed his lips on your neck making you jump and yelp. You laughed nervously and tried to remove his hands from your waste. "Come on (y/n)! We're just trying to have some fun... Would you rather go have fun with Enjy?" Your already deep red face became even more heated. "No..." You said. 'Yes' You thought. You were so caught up in thought that R managed to grab your face with one hand and shoved his month against your's. Your eyes widened and you put your hands up. "Grantaire, what the hell are you doing?" Enjolras pushed his way through the small crowd of boys. Grantaire pulled away and let you off. You awkwardly walked over to Enjolras. He glared at everyone and dragged you out of the cafe up to his apartment. "Here's your scarf back." You said quietly, starting to unwrapping it from around your neck. Enjolras smiled and took your hands in his. "Keep it. You look good in it." You smiled back. "I'm sorry about them. They're drunk... And kind of stupid." He brushed a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "Are you okay though?"
You nodded. "They only meant to jest, the wine just went to their heads." Enjolras shook his head. "I keep telling them not to do that, it'll mess up the revaluation." You laughed. "Don't want drunk boys building barricades." Enjolras gave you a 'revaluation is not funny' look, even his love didn't get to make jokes about that. "Um, sorry. How is the revaluation going? Any new news?" You asked. "LeMarc's become ill, it shouldn't be we can take this little club off the floor and raise the barricade. But first there must be some sort of uprising. Outside his house perhaps. That should gather some people's attention. It's an the outskirts of a market area-" Enjolras began to rumble, no longer looking at you but all over the place. You could almost see the wheels in his head turning. He had the whole revaluation laid out before him, he had a vision. "Oh Enjy." You sighed. He stopped mid sentence and looked at you again. He placed his forehead against yours. "You do love your revaluation, don't you?" You chuckled.
"Almost as much as I love you. (y/n), you know I love you, right ?" You loved it when Enjolras was like this. Not that there was anything wrong with him when he was planning, it was just that he was so much more pleasant and easy to talk too when he wasn't decided what color the barricade should be mostly comprised of or whatever.
"I know. I love you too, Enjolras."
You kissed him lightly. "It's a good thing that Grantaire's not here, he might blow a happy brain cell."
"I know, he won't leave me alone about you. He's alway telling me to ask Jehan to write a poem for you." Enjolras said.
"I'd like a poem." You said.
"Maybe I could work that out, I'll just say it's for my mother."
You both laughed and then kissed again.

"That's weird, why would you ask me to write a poem for your mother instead of just asking me to write one for your girlfriend?"

You jumped apart. Grantaire, Joly, Courfeyrac, and Jehan stood, peering in the doorway. "How long have you been standing there?" You asked. "How much did you hear?" Enjolras spat out. "One, I dunno, we followed you up here. So, two, everything, you should close your door" Grantaire slurred. Enjolras walked over and slammed the door in his friends' faces. He waited by the door until he heard drunken footsteps go down the stairs. You looked at him and he stared back at you. Then you both strode over to each. You felt Enjolras's hot breath on your lips before he connected them with his. It was intense in a sort reliving way if that makes any sense what so ever. His hand spread across your back, one making it's way up to your hair. It felt like he was pulling you closer and you, him. It was like you were letting him know everything you had offer, he was excepting that and giving you everything he could. It was like you were just saying I love you but time million. When you pulled away for much need breath, Enjolras released you from his embrace and took your hand in his. He knelt down on one knee. You gasped for what felt like the hundredth time today. "(y/n), I promised myself I'd do this when the lads knew for sure. I love you. I've never loved anyone else so much, expect for France and the revaluation, but I can't exactly marry them, they're not human, dammit, I'm bad at this. Basically what I'm trying to say is... (y/n) (m/n), if we survive the battle that will soon come, will you marry me?"
You couldn't say anything, no words would escape. So you just nodded vigorously. "Grand." He grinned.
"Does that mean you'll tell the rest of your Les Amis?"
"I think they already know. I ask for advice on how to purpose." Your fiancé replied.
You shook your head, a goofy grin fasçading your face. Enjolras took your hand in his and let you to the bedroom. I think you can guess what happened next....

Too bad you and Enjy never got to get married :( I don't think Grantaire would be to happy with me for writing this....

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