Bones/McCoy (Again)

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Bones kissed your neck again, making you gasp and giggle. "Leo!" You laugh as he continued to place kisses up and down your neck and jaw. He pushed you down on the bed and kept kissing you everywhere shoulder up. Bones was only wearing his pajama pants and you were wearing a tank top and soft short shorts. His hand started to roam your body, making you uncomfortable, even if you and Leonard had been dating for about a year. "Leo, stop." You murmur. But he either didn't hear you or ignored you, because his hand kept moving around your body. He grinded against you a bit, making you wince. Okay, so your not to happy with the fact that Leonard McCoy (as hot as he is) is trying to get into your pants because your a virgin. You've never done 'it'. Not once. So all his actions are hurting you but he doesn't seem to realize it. "Stop." You moan, but again Bones doesn't hear you. Then be crosses the line by trying to tug up your shirt. Thats when you start kicking and screaming. "Leonard McCoy, STOP IT!" You cry, pushing him off of you. "Ouch" You mutter. Your hips hurt like heck from his gridding. You turn away from Leo and he puts his arms around your waist. "Whats wrong darlin'?" He asks. "Nothing.. I'm... It's just that.. Leo, I'm a virgin and to be honest, you were being a bit ruff." You whisper, feeling embarrassed. "Oh." Is all he says. "I guess we can just snuggle." He suggests. You feel bad. Then you decide to give the man what he wants. "Well.. actually... if you be gentle..." You trail off and in no time Bones is on top of you again. This time he goes slow. Every time he starts to hurt you, you squeeze his shoulders softly.

*About 30 minutes later*

"Leo..." You moan as goose bumps roll up your back. He smirks and kisses your lips just as Jim and Spock walk in. "Hey Bones, oh." Jim stares at the site before him, to scarred to move. Spock mutters an apology and hurries out of the room. "Dammint Jim, get out!" Bones barks at the stunned man. Jim basically runs out of the room and wastes no time pressing the close button. "Sorry about that doll." He grumbles. "Its all right." You say. "No, its not. Your first time is suppose to be special and I've spent the whole night trying and failing not to hurt you and then those morons come bursting in. "Leo, as long as your here, it is special." You assure him. He grins and kisses your forehead. "Thanks darlin'. I love you."


So this was for _lotr_gurl_. I've never really written any smut before so sorry this was more fluff than smut. Also sorry it was short. But I liked it alright. Comment more ideas!

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