Jim Kirk (Face Down by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus)

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Hey, just so you guys know I'm skipping the chorus for the first half or so.

Hey girl, you know you drive me crazy. One look puts the rhythm in my hand. Still don't see why you hang around? I see whats going down.

You had caught the eye of the one and only Captain Kirk since the moment he first saw you aboard his ship. You however had a boyfriend that didn't work for Star Fleet but as time went on, you and the Captain became close friends. You never talked about your boyfriend in less asked a question about him, which you would answer with one to four words.

One day Kirk out of the blue found himself wondering what job your boyfriend had as you two were talking. "(y/n), what does Don do for a living?" He wondered out loud, looking at you and watching your face pale. "I- h-he. He volunteers anywhere that gives a good pay check." You stuttered, looking anywhere but Jim. The he noticed some small bruises by your jawline and reached out to touch them gently. "Where'd you get those?" He said coolly. You brushed his hand away, murmuring that you fell and had to go help Spock with some science stuff. Jim watched you walk away a bit to quickly. He cursed as he put two and two together. He was going to get you away from that man as soon as possible.

Cover up with makeup in the mirror, tell yourself its never gonna happen again. You cry alone and then he swears he loves you.

It was the dreaded time between missions again. That time when you had to go back to your boyfriend, Don. Much to your luck, you were two minutes late because Kirk had given the whole ship a lecture on how if any of them had problems that they could talk to him or the chief officer of their area on the ship. You couldn't help but notice how Jim kept staring at you while he was talking.

When you did get home, Don was pissed. "Why are you late? I try so hard to love you but you're just so freaking stupid!" He yelled, you quivered at his cold glare. "I-i'm sorry, the c-captain was giving a speech." You stuttered, backing away a bit. "What? Could you leave? Are you in love with your gay captain?" He said. "N-no! I-I w-we had to stay and listen!" You answer nervously. "That better be the reason." He grumbled. You sighed, think that you would get away with no new bruises this time. Then Don randomly threw a hard fist at you and walked out of the bedroom. You dragged yourself into the bathroom and sobbed as you covered up the red welt with makeup. Later while you were sitting on the couch, Don came over and started whispering about how much he loved you in your ear. You could hardly believe him but he was all you had.

A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect. Every action in the world will bear a consequence. If you wade around forever, you will surely drown, I see whats going down.

You were walking around after one of Don's angry attacks. "(y/n)!" You heard a familiar, comforting voice call. You turn to see Kirk running toward you. "Captain!" You greet as Kirk reaches you and pulls you in for a hug. "Hows it going?" He asks, brushing some hair out of your face. You blush. "Good, how are you?" You reply. He frowned when he saw a small dark spot, almost invisible on your cheek. "How you keep hurting yourself?" He asked, running his thumb over the spot. "I don't know." You laugh, pushing his hand out off of your face. "Really though, what's going on?" Jim asked softly. "I-I told you. I've got to go. See you later." You mumble and run off. Jim watched you go, now positive that he knew what was going on with you and Don. Now he was mad rather than upset. "Why would anyone want to hurt someone like you?" He wondered aloud.

I see the way you go and say you're right again, say you're right again. Heed my lecture.

Jim Kirk walked past your house and saw a handsome man with a cruel face walk out and toward him. "You Jim Kirk?" He yelled. Jim nodded and sized the man up. "Don?" He asked. The man nodded. "You stay away from my girl or I swear I will cut you both in till you're both sobbing." Don threatened. Kirk pushed him back and glared directly into Don's small beady blue eyes.

"Do you feel like a man? When you push her around?" The captain angerly said. "Do you feel better now, that she falls to the ground?" Don was to shocked to answered.

"Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end, when your lies cumble down a new life she has found." Jim let the man go and walked away.

Face down in the dirt, she says this doesn't this doesn't hurt.

"This doesn't hurt, this doesn't hurt." You mumbled as you stuggled to get up.

She said I've finally had enough.

You got up and looked around, seeing no Don. So you ran. You ran and ran to the one person who really cared's house. You ran to Jim Kirk's house.

You knocked twice before he answered. "Hey. What's wrong?" He asked upon seeing the tears running down your face. "J-Jim. I-I h-he.." You didn't have to finished because Jim pulled you in for a hug. "I will never let that bastard touch you again. I promise." Jim whispered in your ear. "You don't have to promise." You tryed to laugh but you couldn't. "No, I swear for as long as I love you, I will protect you from anything and everything that can hurt you." He swore. You looked at him in surprise. "You love me?" You squeaked. Jim leaned down and kissed you gently. "You're like the Enterprise with legs and a head to me. Of course I love you. I've loved you since we meet." He anwsered.

You kissed him again, with a little more force.

"Good," You giggle "because I love you too."

Sucky ending, I know but bros its 10:00 at night don't judge me! :[ Anyway, I'm going to bomb you all with Chris Pine and his characters imagines because I feel like and I love you so I think you deserve more Pine because I can't find a lot of Pine reader inserts so yeah.

Also if you read all of this, I applude you. My writing sucks and you are my favorite. (After my bestie Dani but your up there guys!)

Read on if you love me!

~ Indieha!

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