Aaron Tveit

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You sat on the couch of your small apartment, waiting for Aaron. You fiddled with your fingers nervously, you had to tell Aaron you were pregnant. You hoped he'd react happily, but you weren't sure. For one thing, you'd only been married for about six months.

The door opened, making you jump, and Aaron appeared in your bedroom.

His eyes widened in surprise.
"Oh, I thought you were asleep."

"Hello to you too!" You laughed.
He smirked and crossed over to you.
"I mean, hello my beautiful wife, how was your day?" Aaron said jokingly.
You playfully hit Aaron on the should, making him wince in fake pain and give you the pouty face.

You giggle. "It was great thanks for asking babe!"

Then you sigh.
"Is there something wrong?" Aaron asked, slight worry growing in his eyes.

"No, well maybe yes. But hopefully no."

"What?" Aaron moved a little closer to you, so that his arm was around your waist.

"Aaron, I'm pregnant." You confessed.

His eyes grew wide and his jaw unhitched a little.
"Pregnant? Like... With a baby?"

You laughed a little and nodded.

"M-my baby? M-my kid?" He stuttered.
You laughed again. Aaron was adorable.

"Yes Aaron. Your baby. Your kid." You chuckled.


You raised an eyebrow. "Yes....?" You questioned.

"No.... Our kid." Aaron said.
You smiled.

|| 4 months later ||
You gripped Aaron's hand tightly.
"You ready?" He whispered.
"Yeah. What'd you think it'll be?" You asked him.

At the moment you guys were at the doctor's office, waiting to find out the gender of your kid:

"I'm guessing a girl." He said.
"Fine, then I'm guessing boy."
Aaron laughed. "Twenty bucks says I'm right."
"Twenty says your wrong." You can contradicted.
The doctor gave you two a weird look and proceeded.

Aaron was driving home with you as you attempted to do a celebratory dance in your seat. "You owe me twenty bucks." You giggle. He grinned. "Baby Boy Tveit. I love it." You  leaned again his shoulder. "Me too." You smiled.

••••••• 5 month AFTER DAT •••••••

"One more push!" The nurse encouraged. You screamed. Aaron's grip on your hand tightened. "You can do this (y/n). I love you and I know you can do this." He whispered.

4 minutes later you heard the cry of your baby.

"It's a girl!" The doctor announced.
"What?" You yelled. "Yes!" Aaron threw his hands in the air. He put them down at the doctor's odd look though. "Yes... A beautiful baby girl! Mr Tveit, would you like to cut the umbilical cord?"
Aaron nodded.

5 more minutes later, Aaron was sitting next to you with your daughter.
"Best twenty bucks ever"

S'up bitches, I'm back.

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