Jack Ryan

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You ran as fast you could down the never ending hallway. It really hurt to run but you couldn't stop. You were being chased down the streets of New York.

You made a sharp turn and skid. Footsteps pounded behind you. The stitch in your side hurt like hell. "Gah!" You panted.

The person was getting closer and you were starting to feel like you couldn't ran anymore. "Go away!" You scream and keep going. You were seriously regretting wearing brand new high tops. And is now a bad time to mention that is was raining so hard it was painful against your skin.

You slipped on a giant puddle of water and fell face first onto the watery asphalt. "Ow!" You groan as the man who had be chasing you pulled you up by the arm. "What do you want anyway?" You spat, trying to be bold. The man said nothing, just pinned you against an alley wall.

He was a big, ugly man. About 6'2, with a flat face. He was buff but not in a hot celebrity way, more like some crazy, huge wrestler. His eyes were beady and a dreary shade of gray. He had a horrible tattoo of some form of messed up bird.

Sir Ugly Lot withdrew a pistol from his belt loop and held it to your for head.

You made the bravest face you could. He cocked the gun. You gave up your brave face and slammed your eyes shut. Then you heard the gun go off and hit the ground but you felt no bullet hit you. You hastily open your eyes and found an excellent booty defending you.

The new dude was almost the complete opposite of your attacker. He was HOT. The hottie had tackled the other man and now they were wrestling. You saw many fists and heard a lot of grunting before the flat faced man lay still and the cute one stood you.

"You don't shoot the pretty ones!" He yelled, exasperated. You giggle and the man looks up and grins. "Heeello miss! I'm Jack." He introduces, walking over and slinging his arm around you. "I'm (y/n)." You grin. "You okay?" Jack askes, suddenly serious. He takes his arm back and puts his hand on your cheek. "Yeah, you?" You say, making a mental note to ask him where he learned those moves and how well they would work when he wasn't fight... ;)

"Good! Then maybe I can get you a drink? I'm sure you're a little shaken up right?" He offers, giving you a goofy smile. "What? I'm almost killed, some how a hot strange comes from no where and now he's offering to buy me a drink? I'm done with that." You agree and take Jack's offered arm. "Well then, let's go calm those nerves of yours! Maybe later I can show you my new bed...."


What up, what up! Hey have any of you guys read True Grit? We're reading it in class and its so good! I love Mattie! Whose your guys' favorite fictional character?

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