James Kirk

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       "Why am I here?" You thought. "What did I do to deserve this?" A shiver ran down your spine. "The crew will come.... They'll be here any minute." You curled tighter in your ball.

You blinked back tears which pissed you off even more. You NEVER cried. It wasn't like you were heartless or anything, you just didn't cry. But then again, you'd never been kidnapped until now. Tortured? Well, if you count drunk Scotty at 3 am's singing.

You tried to pull yourself together. You'd had training on this! You should be fighting back! You knew how!

You just.....
You were to weak.
To tired.

"Help." You whisper. Then you close your eyes.

You woke to the sound of shouting.

"Where is she?!"

Jim...? Jim! Jim Kirk! Your captain!

You tried to sit up but every muscle protested.

Your captor gargled back in some language that you didn't understand.

"Speak English, Goddammit!" Jim yelled.

You heard a squeal and then pounding on the door.

"(y/n)!? Are you in there?"

"Yes!" You half yell, half whisper.

There's several bangs on the door before it caves in. In the door is Captain James Kirk.

You tried to sit up again, failing in agony. "Jim!" You cry hoarsely. Jim run over to where you lay and you felt his strong arms pick you up. "Hang in there." He said. You closed your eyes.
Then everything went dark.

"(y/n), (y/n)"

You opened your eyes, blinking a few times. The scene was different, instead of your cold, dark cell, there were trees and sunlight. You were laying down with your head in Jim's lap. Spock was standing a little farther away, looking at you with the same face he always carried.

"A-are... Are they gone?" You felt really stupid for stuttering.
"Yeah, they're far behind us."
There was a pause that seemed to last an eternity.
"(y/n)... What did they do to you in there?"

You sat up at last. "Jim..." You started, your voice cracked a little. He wrapped his arm around you and gave your shoulder a little rub.

"You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to."

You shook your head.

"They tortured me. They burned symbols into my back. They... They..." You couldn't finish what you were about to say. You didn't have to. Jim kissed the top of your head. You looked up at him, a bit startled.

"I think" he said "that once we find a nice planet with a English speaking, sane civilization that doesn't go around kidnapping pretty girls, that we should get something to eat."

"I would like that." You said, leaning your head against Jim's shoulder.

This was a request by Zak
So Star Trek: Beyond is going to be about exploration. Which means that it will be 3 hours of Bones lecturing Jim and arguing with Spock and Simon Pegg, I mean Scotty getting drunk and Chevkov being cute and hard to understand and Uhura being awesome and kicking everyone's dumb ass and Sulu doing whatever the hell it is that he does.

And I will sit through the whole thing.

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