Short Story Part One: The Story Of A Boy And A Girl

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                   Hi! I'm bored! So yeah I wrote this story and there's two parts so far and after the second one is released you should comment if you want a third and if you do then you vote for a fourth one and so on and so fourth. Anyway its kinda based on me and my crush.

Byron smiled as the girl across the lunch room took a bit of her sandwich and laughed at her friends. he liked her grin, it was just something she didn't show off every often. Byron had begun to worry that she wassn't alright. She always had a shadows under her eyes from lack of sleep and she normally looked like she was about to cry. But this past week had been different. She still had dark eyelids but the only time she looked like she needed to cry was when she was about to burst with laughter. Byron liked this girl. She was sassy, funny and from what he had heard, she was an amazing writer. Plus she wasn't ugly. No, no. When she let her hair down and put on a nice shirt, she looked rather pretty. He'd heard that she liked him back but then again, she was know for doing 'social experiments'. In other words she liked to see how other people reacted to information.

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