Jim Kirk (Pinepocalypse)- Cowboy Casanova by Carrie Underwood

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Olei! Sorry if you guys don't like country but I love it and I have this song stuck in my frikin head and I can't get it out. Also Pinepocalypse is going to continue for the rest of this month and then I'll return to the normal 'do what I want' thing.

You better take it from me, that boy is like a disease. You're running, you're trying, you're trying hide. And you wonder why you can't get free.

Three words,seventeen letters and a heck load of trouble. James Tiberius Kirk. Aka the man you can't leave no matter what you do, how you think or how he acts. You know you should dump his sorry ass but you just can't for some nagging reason.

He's like a cruse, he's like a drug. You get addicted to his love. You wanna get out but he's holding you down. 'Cause you can't live without one more touch.

You would plan how to let him off but then you'd tell yourself, just one last kiss. And normally it ended up like this:

Kirk walked into your room, a bored look across his face. "Babe you said you wanted to talk to me?" He drawled. "Uh yeah, I-I , I think we should-" You began. "Wait before you tell me, take this." He said sadly. Then he planted a small, sweet kiss on your lips. 'Crap.' You thought, knowing he had beat you.

He's a good timing coowboy casanova, leaning up againest the record machine. Looks like a cool drink of water but he's candy coated misery.

You didn't know what you were getting into when Kirk first apporaced you, only that he was hot and flirty. He was just so charming. Now you couldn't get away, espically since he had become captain of the U.S.S Enterprise.

He's the devil in disguise, a snake with blue eyes and he only comes out at night. Gives you a feeling that you don't wanna fight, you better run for your life.

One moment you would catch him flattering a female helmsman while you just stood watching, then later that night he would prove his love for you all over again.

I see that look on your face. You ain't hearing what I'm saying. So I'll say it again. 'Cause I've been where you've been and I know how it ends. You can't get away.

You knew you being stupid. You had friends that Kirk had tricked. You had friends that Kirk had lied to, saying that he thought they had 'connection' and that he 'honestly thought they had a thing'. They were always telling you to get away, dump his sorry ass and (my personal favorite) kick him in the nuts and see if he still likes being a heartbreaker.

Don't look in his eyes. He'll tell you nothing but lies. You wanna beleive but you wouldn't be decived, if you listen to me and take my advice.

He was always telling you that he would never cheat on you or that he loved you and only you! But you knew him to well to fall for that.

Run away, don't let him mess with your mind. He'll tell anything you wanna hear, he'll break your heart. It's just a matter of time. But just remember,

By now you were pretty sure Kirk was just telling you things to keep you around. 'Why? If he was going to break your heart wouldn't he have done it by now?' You liked to think. But you knew so much better. Him and your cousin had 'been together' for over a year before she had found out he had been cheating on her with atleast six of her closest friends. But he would always say such sweet things. However, it was dump or be dumped.

He's a good timing cowboy casanova, leaning up againest the record machine. Looks like a cool drink of water but he's candy coated misery. He's the devil in disguise, a snake with blue eyes and he only comes out a night. Gives you a feeling that you don't wanna fight, you better run for your life.

He's a manwhore

He's a player

He thinks he can get away with anything.

He knows he's got your heart in his two strong hands.

You better run for your life, you better run for your life.

What you didn't know though, was that Jim Kirk really did love you.

*****************Extra Ending(Doesn't fit the theme but whatever**********************************

Kirk watched you talk with your friends outside of the dining hall. He knew they were talking about him from the looks you were giving him. It made him sad just thinking about how you might end up hatiing him.

Later he pulled you aside and confesed his fear. "Hey (y/n)." He said, taking your hand and studying it. "Hey Jim, whats up?" You asked. "I, uh, I saw you talking to your friends and I noticed that some of them were girls.. I dated. I just want you to know that I won't ditch you like the others because to me your so much different. I know it sounds fake and I probalay told everyother girl that but with you I mean it. So um.. just please don't leave me because I treated your friends like crap. Just give me a chance?" Kirk spilled, hoping it don't sound as stupid as he thought. You tackled him in a bear hug. "Jim, thats the sweetest thing you've ever told me." You smiled. Jim returned your hug. He had a feeling that you and him were gonna last.<3

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