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Hey, I got the okay to do a heck load of Star Trek ones so here you go fellow Trekkies!

You loved exploring new planets. You loved finding new species. You loved learning about new cultures. You know what you didn't love? Finding new diseases. But of course, thats what you found when you had last explored a new found planet named Darwin. And of course, you're the one that caught it. At first it was fine but then you started feeling dizzy when you stood for to long, getting headaches and then, to your embarrassment, you puked all over the Bridge. Thats when you finally went to Bones. (Partly because the Captain made you.)

"Bones?" You called out when you walked in the Sick Bay. You had a huge crush on Bones since the time he caught you when you tripped down a flight of stairs, but he had never shown much interest in you except as a friend. Bones stuck his head out of his office and grinned when he saw you. "(y/n)! What's up? You look terrible." He asked, concern oozing out of his voice. You frowned a bit. Did you really look that bad? "I think I caught something on the mission." You answer before having a coughing fit and started to feel light headed. Bones frowned and walked over to you. "Here." He said and gently picked you up. "Bones..." You started put stopped when he put you on a white hospital bed. "Take some of these." The Doctor said softly handing you a couple of pills and a water bottle. You downed the pills and layed back. You started to feel strange. A feeling swept over you and you couldn't shake it.

Bones started to leave but you stopped him by calling him back. "What is it?" He asked, tilting his head a bit. You little out a high pitch giggle. "Boooones!!!!" You laugh. "What?" Bones asked again, walking over to you. "Hey good looking. How good are you at playing Doctor instead of being Doctor?" Your voice sounded funny. Bones's face turn a little red but he didn't leave you. "I dunno darlin'." He replied, not sure what else to say. "Leonard.... I like that name. Leonard, Leonard, Leonard.And can you keep a secret Leonard???" You slurr, feeling drunk. "Uuuh, yes." He promised. You leaned in to his ear. "I think I loooove you...." You whisper. Bones pulled away. "And why is that?" You think for a moment. "Becauseee... Yooour'e smaaaart and haaaaaaaaandsome and you smeeeell niiiice. and you are niiiice, sometimes." Bones grinned again. "Sometimes? Only sometimes?" He teased. "Well you can be grumby to but that's seeeexy to." You started to feel dizzy from talking so much. "Bones?"

"Yes doll?" He chuckled. "I'm tired." You yawn. "Okay I'll let you get some sleep." You panicked as he started to leave. "No. Boooones. Stay." You groan. Bones smirks and comes back to you. "Move over." He mumbles. You do so and he crawls in, then you postion yourself so that you're laying on him a bit. "Goodnight." You say, snuggling into his chest. Bones kisses your head and whispers goodnight back.

You wake up curled next to Bones who was playing with your hair. "Hello Sleeping Beauty." He grinned. "Hi." You say, blushing. He brushes some hair out of your face and starts cracking up. "What!?" You ask, get even redder. "I looooove you Booooones!" He laughs. "Oh God.. I-I didn't actually say that did I?" You moan. "Well something like that." Bones smirks. "Oh." Is all you can think to say. "Can I tell you something (y/n)?" He whispered in your ear. "Yes..." You say, sitting up and turn toward him.

"I love you to." He admitts. You smile like a mad man. "Really?" You wonder out loud. Bones presses his lips to yours. You kiss back. When he pulls away, he looks you in the eye and says "Really."

Hey. This was for KenanLeeSay! I don't know if this was excatly what you meant but I hope you could find it in your heart to like it anyway! ;)

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