Bad News

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Nagitos pov

Five years later

I was playing tag with kokichi when my eyesight started getting blurry. Huh that's funny. Maybe if I rub my eyes it will get better.

I rubbed my eyes. The white dots were still there. I rubbed them harder. It didn't help at all!

"big bro why'd you stop? You aren't tricking me are you?" kokichi sounded annoyed but I couldn't see him at all. My head felt fuzzy too.

"ki-chi I don't f-ell good" I muttered before passing out.

*time skip*

I woke up in a white bed with some strange wires connecting from me. My mommy and daddy were outside talking to a doctor.

"I'm sorry but your child very sick. I can't see him living a full life" huh? What does that mean?

"how long do you think he'll live" daddy asked in a shaky voice.

"I'd say he'd probably live till sixteen maybe seventeen years old" the doctor said gravely.

"no!" mommy screamed "not my baby. Not my baby boy!"

Daddy pulled her into a hug. I felt so confused. Why is everyone so sad?

Mommy and daddy walked into the hospital room with red eyes.

"mommy daddy what's going on?" I asked feeling a little scared.

Mommy burst into tears and hugged me. Daddy sat down next to me and petted my head. I bit my lip, trying hard not to cry.

Am I going to die?

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