The Captured Remnants Of Dispair

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Kokichis pov

One week later

I paced back and forth nervously. Right now miss kyoko and Mr mokoto are out there looking for our siblings. I hope they bring them back safely-

My thoughts were cut off by several people in cuffs being escorted through the room. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted my brother.

"nagito!" I ran up to him and hugged him with tears in my eyes. I was so happy to see my brother again.

"we found him with Monika. We managed to get nagito but Monika got away" kyoko informed me. He was with Monika? Why? And what kind of trouble could that brat be causing now that she's loose!

"kokichi I'm so glad your safe" nagito hugged me back with a happy smile "you have no idea how much I missed you. Now when there not looking let's make a break for it-"

"no!" painfully I took a step back "nagito I'm sorry but I'm staying here while you get help from these people"

"help? Silly boy I don't need help!" nagito laughed. I looked away from him. It hurt but for his sake I had to let him go.

Kaito got behind kazuichi and hugged him "it's so good to see you bro" kaito said with tears in his eyes "don't worry we're getting you help"

"help. That sounds nice" kazuichi muttered with tears in his eyes "oh god I really messed up didn't I?"

"hey don't even worry about that dude" kaito chuckled "we're getting you help and that's all that matters!" kazuichi nodded as he clung to kaito.

"alright its time to take the prisoners to the boat" mokoto informed a guy with big hair and a girl with a ponytail. They nodded as they escorted the prisoners out.

Nagito looked at me with a confused and hurt expression. I turned away with tears in my eyes.

"This is for his own good" I told myself "they'll make him all better and then we can both live happily together"

I should have known I was kidding myself.

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