Baby In The Bin

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Nagitos pov (aged three)

I was sitting on the floor happily playing with the new toy my maid bought me. She's so nice to me. She calls me her fluffy little cloud.

"darling I think there's a rat in our bin outside" I heard my mother say nervously. My eyes lit up. I love rats! I picked up my toy and ran downstairs.

My mother was staring at the bin nervously while my father held the broom over his head ready to strike.

Mommy noticed me and gasped "stay away from the bins baby we wouldn't want you getting bit" she picked me up and held me in her arms.

My father opened the bin lid and was about to strike when he suddenly dropped the broom.

"what is it darling?" my mother asked nervously.

He reached into the bin and pulled out a crying baby!

"that's not a rat it's a baby!" I pointed to it excitedly.

"the poor thing looks so cold" my mother gasped.

"that's because he's not wearing any clothes mama" I pointed out.

"that's right darling" mama said kissing my head. She turned to my father "come on love let's get the poor thing inside and warmed up"

*time skip*

"good thing we still had some of nagitos baby clothes" papa chuckled while the baby cooed in his arms. We gave him a warm bath and now he's happy again.

I booped him on the nose and he giggled. It made me giggle too.

"he's a cute baby" I giggled.

"he sure is my little nagi-wagi" mama said hugging me close and kissing my cheek. She stared at the baby sadly "who could abandon such an adorable baby like that"

"a monster that's who" my father growled.

We sat in silence for a moment. Suddenly an idea came to me.

"mommy daddy I want to keep him!"

Mommy and daddy looked at each other.

"Well I suppose it would be nice for nagito to have a sibling to play with" my mother said thoughtfully.

"agreed. We should keep the little lad" my father smiled down at him.

"yayyyy!" I cheered.

"so what should we call the child?" mama asked.

"hmm" my father thought for a moment "what about kokichi? It's japanese for little luck and it's quite a bit of luck that we found the little lad when we did"

"I think that's a perfect name for our new bundle of joy" mama smiled lovingly at her new son.

I smiled brightly. This is the luckiest day of my life!

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