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Nagitos pov

We were sitting in class goofing off. Miss yukisone wasn't here so we were just messing around. I wonder where she is-

Suddenly the door was kicked down and a girl with blonde pigtails stepped in.

"Umm who are you?" mahiru asked.

"I'm glad you asked" she grinned "class 78 I am junko enoshima and have I got an offer for you" she took a seat on the table "I want you to join me in the end of the world"

We stared at her in disbelief. What on earth is she talking about.

"come on guys I looked through your student profiles. I know you all live shit lives. Come with me and help me watch the world burn" she held her hand out.

The others started murmuring among each other. They seem to be considering it!

"and what's in it for you?" fuyuhiko asked.

"simple" she grinned "all I want is despair"

Dispair? Why would anyone want dispair when there's so much hope in the world? Hope is a wonderful thing and it's only gets stronger once it's challenged by a great dispair. That's it!

"I understand now" I stood up.

"whoe hold on nagito don't tell me your agreeing to this" kazuichi gasped.

"of course" I held out my hand "come on kazuichi. Let's work together towards a new beautiful world"

"ok I'll do it just don't abandon me again!" he nervously took my hand.

I smiled brightly. Here's to a new, hopeful future!

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