Please Don't Kill Him!

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Kokichis pov

I walked through the nearby garden. I haven't been allowed out ever since we joined up with those kids but big brothers out so I decided I was allowed out too. I needed some fresh air anyway-

I stopped in my tracks. In front of me was my big brother surrounded by two girls. One had grabbed him by the hair and was about to stab him!

"stop!" I yelled as the girls looked up in surprise "don't kill my brother!"

"I regonise you" the girl with the microphone gasped. She gave me a gentle smile "it's alright sweetie we're not planning on killing him"

"speech for yourself" the girl with the long tongue giggled.

I looked at my brother. He had deep cuts around his legs. It looked painful and yet he kept smiling. I burst into tears and hugged him tight. This was too much. Why did my brother have to keep getting hurt?

"shh kichi it's ok" he gently petted my hair "all this pain will be worth it in our new wonderful world"

The girl with the microphone looked at me sadly "sweetie I'm sorry about this" without warning she pulled me away from my brother.

"what are you doing!" I tryed desperately to struggle out of her grip.

"geno I need your help!" she yelled at the other girl "we need to get this little boy far away from that madman"

"oh got ya!" she threw me over her shoulder and the two ran off with me in their arms.

"let go of me!" I kicked and screamed "he's not crazy he's my brother!"

"kokichi" nagito tried to chase after us but couldn't thanks to his messed up legs. Then for the first time in years I saw him cry "please don't take my happiness from me!"

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