Trick Or Treat

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Nagitos pov

"come on big brother it's time to go trick or treating" my little brother kokichi dragged me along in our matching clown costumes.

It was the night of Halloween and me and kokichi were going to go trick or treating. We were both pretty excited (though kokichi was more excited then I was!) as we made our was to the souda house.

"settle down little brother. We'll get there in time" I told him.

"your always take so long nagito" kokichi complained.

I ruffled his hair and knocked on the door. Mr souda opened the door with a smile.

"hey boys. You must be here for kazuichi and kaito"

"yep!" kokichi chirped.

He tossed his head and yelled "kazuichi kaito your friends are here!"

They both came running down. Kazuichi dressed as a rockstar and kaito dressed as a Superhero.

"now you boys behave alright"

"we always do dad" kazuichi took my hand "let's get going before he lectures us more"

We ran from house to house collecting as much candy as possible. It was really fun having all the adults tell us how cute we are. I can't believe we didn't do this sooner.

"this stuffs going to last us for weeks" kaito gasped.

"awesome. We're going to live off junk food man!" kazuichi high fived his brother.

I turned to kokichi with a grin. We're totally having a midnight party when we get home!

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