The Neo World Program

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Kokichis pov

I sat on the boat thinking to myself. Today I was going to see my brother nagito. He was placed in the neo world program to help him fix his messed up views on the world. Maybe then we can live a normal life.

Kaito sat at the other side of the boat. He was still angry at me. I wanted to explain my actions. To tell him that the person he saw in there wasn't the real me but someone who had just been pushed to the brink. I knew I deserved his haterd though so I stayed silent.

We arrived at japperwork island. I nervously stepped out as future Fondation led us into the bunker where they were keeping the remnants of Dispair.

I caught sight of my brother and froze. He was strapped to several wires and was in a strange pod. It was honestly scary to look at.

Above him was a screen that showed what nagito sees. Seems he's still not very popular among his peers. Not even kazuichi got along with him. Heck he was helping nekumaru tie him up right now!

I took his hand with a gentle smile on my face "I can't wait for you to come back home"

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