And The Mastermind Is...

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Kokichis pov

We entered the main hall. Kaito still refused to look at me. It hurts. Once we walked inside we released it was full to the brim with dead bodies.

"I think our best course of action would be to wait here for the others" I suggested. Kaito nodded, still not looking at me. I shut my eyes, trying hard not to cry. Why dose everyone I love always leave me!

We waited in the room nervously for half a hour before makoto and his group walked in.

"kokichi! Your alright!" makoto said pulling me into a hug. Toko had her eyes shut probably so she didn't faint from the blood.

"wait where is Kamaru?" toko and makoto said worriedly.

As soon as they said that Kamaru came through the door. They both ran to her and takle hugged her. We were all smiling. Sure we've been though hell but we were together again. Maybe everything will be alright now.

Of course our reunion was cut short by the speakers.

"wow I guess I underestimated the younger foundation members. They're sooooooooo smart! Well I guess you win then. That means I have to reveal myself right?"

The speakers cut off and smoke filled the room. The smoke revealed a person and that person shook me to my core.


The small green haired grinned at us. "yep it's little old me!" she giggled.

"I can't believe this" kyoko sighed "I should have known a little brat like you would eventually cause trouble for us but at least now your in our custody"

"I hope you didn't you didn't think it was over did you?" Monika asked with a sadistic grin. She pulled out a small button. "I've planted many bombs in the building. Once I press this botton the whole building will explode. Without future Fondation the world will fall into dispair again and that is worth giving my life up for."

She was about to press the trigger but then a gunshot rang out and monika dropped the button. Someone shot monika! We turned around to see.....


He pointed the gun at the green haired girl and shot her with no remorse. Well that's what it looked like until he broke down into tears. I ran up and hugged him. I know he did terrible things but the boy had suffered greatly. I can't even begin to imagine what he's gone through.

"don't worry nagisa" I said gently "I promise I'll protect you"

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