An Adventure

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Nagitos pov

"come on guys keep up!" kokichi yelled as he marched forward. He's become alot more confident ever since he became friends with kaito. Right now we're having an adventure in the woods near our house.

"nagito are you sure we'll be ok" kazuichi clung to me nervously "my dad says there's bears in the woods!"

"oh don't worry kazuichi we'll be perfectly fine" I said reassuringly "we have my luck on our side"

"I have no idea what you're talking about but I trust you" kazuichi said nervously pushing up his glasses.

We walked ahead on our adventure. It was fun hanging out with my brother and friends. Makes me forget about my impending doom!

"look I think we found bear tracks" kaito pointed to the tracks on the ground.

"oh god we're going to die here!" kazuichi yelped.

"relax kazuichi everything's ok" I said reassuringly "how about we have our picnic to take your mind off things"

"ok" kazuichi sighed.

We placed the blanket down and settled down with our snacks.

"mmm this is yummy" kokichi grinned.

"yeah there's nothing like a good soda" kazuichi said looking alot better than before.

"cheers to a good adventure" kaito raised his can.

"cheers" we all clicked our cans together.

I smiled. It makes me so happy to see my loves one's smiling and having a good time. Maybe things will be alright when I'm gone.

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