My Brother The Remnant Of Dispair!

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Kokichis pov

I walked home alone. Nagito went home early and with what happened with izuru Kamakura I was feeling a little uneasy.

I reached the house and opened the door "big brother I'm home" I yelled into the dark corridor. Why is it so dark in here?

I walked down the corridor into the living room where...

"surprise!" nagito was sitting on the seat where he had a person tied down to some kind of death trip.

"please help me" she begged me.

"isn't it wonderful?" nagito grinned "kazuichi built it for me. He truly is a genius!"

"I don't understand what you're doing brother" I said shakingly.

"shh" nagito held me close "just watch"

He pressed the button. A countdown started. The girl tried her best to get out of it but she was too late and a blade came down on her head.

"how unfortunate" he sighed "It looks like her hope wasn't strong enough"

"what have you done?" I pushed him away with tears in her eyes. My brother's a murderer. Why has this happened!

"kokichi it's ok" he petted my head "I'm going to build a hopeful world where we'll never have to suffer but we have to work towards it. Even if we have to become something we're not" he picked me up "come on little brother. It's time to build that perfect world we've been hoping for"

I didn't bother fighting him. This is my life now.

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