A Hope That Can Overcome Dispair

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Kokichis pov

Me and nagito stared out the window as the city burnt down in front of us.

"isn't it beautiful kokichi?" nagito smiled brightly "the horrible dispair this new world brings and the wonderful hope that will come once the right person steps up"

"nagito can I ask you something" I asked timidity.

"of course kokichi you can ask me anything" he gently stroked my hair.

I took a deep breath "I just want to understand. Why are you doing all this? What do you hope to accomplished?"

"why that's simply" he smiled warmly at me "I want to find a hope that can overcome any dispair"

"a hope that can overcome any dispair?"I said softly.

"yes I want that more than anything else in world" he looked so passionate when he said it "once I find that true hope it will cancel out all the dispair in this world. Then we can finally be at peace" he pulled me into a hug "I'll do anything to show you that true hope. Even if it means I have to become a remnant of Dispair myself"

I hugged him back with relieved tears in my eyes. Deep down he's still my big brother.

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