The Brothers Meet

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Nagitos pov

"come on kokichi don't be nervous" I said reassuringly "kazuichi and his brother are going to be real nice I promise"

"mmm ok" he whimpered nervously. Kokichi never played with kids other than me so it's only natural that he's afraid but as his big brother it's my job to push him to do scary things so that he'll be able to take care of himself in the future.

We finally arrived at kazuichi home. Kazuichi wasn't kidding when he said his house was small. It was really really small. Kazuichi must be what mommy calls a poor person!

I was about to knock on the door when...

"wait" kokichi yelled "I change my mind big brother I want to go home!"

"kokichi" I bent down and petted his head "I know it's scary but you'll be ok" I paused for a second "I'm not going to be around forever so I want you to have friends to take care of you when I'm gone"

Kokichi teared up and hugged me "I wish you didn't have to go big brother"

"I wish that too kichi" I felt like crying but for his sake I forced a smile on my face "let's just go inside and have fun alright"

Kokichi nodded and rubbed the tears out of his eyes. I smiled at him. He's so brave!

I knocked on the door. Kazuichi opened the door with a bright smile.

"hi nagito. Hi kokichi" kokichi hid behind me at the mention of his name "hold on I'll get kaito" he looked behind him and yelled "oi kaito we got guests come on out here!"

"I'm coming kazzy I'm coming!" a boy with a NASA t-shirt and spiky purple hair.

"wow your hairs the same colour as mine" I gasped.

"cool" kaito gasped as well "do you wanna play together?"


I smiled as the two boys ran off. That went better than I thought!

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