Good And Bad Luck

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Nagitos pov

My life seemed to be filled with both good luck and bad luck.

A highjacker took over our plane with the intention to kill everyone onbored but a meteor hit the plane, killing the highjacker. What a stroke of incredible luck right? But then that same meteor ended up killing my parents. What terribly bad luck.

I got kidnapped but then tossed aside once they realise no one would be around to pay them. What terrible luck but once I crawled out of the bag I found a winning lottery ticket. What incredible luck!

Good luck

Bad luck

Good luck

Bad luck

Am I cursed? Cursed to suffer from the same spiral of good luck and bad luck?

Not only that but my bad luck seems to affect others too. Kazuichi got hit by that truck while I remained unharmed.

Good luck

Bad luck

Good luck

Bad luck

Please someone help me it hurts!


I heard the sound of the doorbell go off. Slowly I answered the door to see kazuichi standing at the door with a cast on his arm.

"hi nagito. Pretty crazy I got hit by a truck huh" he grinned.

My face twisted in horror. No he can't be here. He's going to get hurt again!

"I actually wasn't that hurt. Just a broken arm is all" he looked down at his arm.

My tummy was sick with guilt. I did this to him. It's all my fault!

"anyway let's go inside. You can sign my cast and" I blocked his way "Umm what are you doing dude? Come on let's go inside and have fun"

I looked down sadly "I'm sorry kazuichi but me can't be friends anymore"

"huh?" kazuichi suddenly looked panicked "did I do something wrong. If I did I'm really sorry. Please I'll make it better I'll-"

"you didn't do anything wrong kazuichi" I mumbled.

"then why?" he yelled with tears in his eyes "why don't you want to be friends with me anymore?"

I hated hurting my friend like that but this is for his own good "I can't explain that. Just stay away from me!" I slammed the door in his face and ran to my room.

"big bro kazzy sounded pretty upset out there. What happened?" kokichi asked.

I turned to him shakingly "kokichi I'm going to lock myself in my room. I want you to stay as far away from me as possible"

"wha- but big bro I want to be able to see you every day!" kokichi started tearing up.

I can't handle everyone crying "kokichi I am your big brother and I know what's best for you! Now stay away from me!" I slammed my bedroom door and locked it.

"no big brother please come back. I love you!" kokichi sobbed as he banged on the door.

I hugged my knees as I sobbed "This is for their own good" I told myself "I can keep everyone safe as long as I stayed away"

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