Play Date

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Nagitos pov

"play date play date!" I jumped up and down excitedly. Today was the day my new friend kazuichi was coming over for a play date. I was super excited to play with him more. I hope he gets here soon.

"you sure are excited young master" my maid giggled "I'm glad to see you happy again"

"how can I not be happy" I giggled "my friends coming-

Suddenly the doorbell rang signaling that he was here.

"He's here!" I cheered as I ran to the door and opened if "hi kazzy"

"hi nagi" kazuichi grinned with those sharp teeth of his.

"now you just call me if this little guy starts causing too much trouble" kazuichis dad said smiling at us.

"hey I wouldn't cause trouble old man. Quit making out that I'm a bad kid" kazuichi scolded the man. He simply laughed and ruffled his sons hair. I giggled slightly. They seem like a nice family.

"come on let's go upstairs to my playhouse" I took his hand and ran upstairs with him.

"wow your house is so big" kazuichi gasped "my house could fit into your house ten times over!"

"hehe really" I giggled. Its funny how different our lives are.

"here we are" I threw open the doors to my playroom.

"wow its like a toy paradise" kazuichi said in awe.

We ran inside and started playing with the trucks. It's strange having a friend to play with. Don't get me wrong Kokichis great but it's different having a friend willingly play with you rather than a sibling who's forced to play with you.

Speaking of kokichi I caught sight of him peaking behind the door. He must be shy.

"hey kokichi you wanna play with me and kazuichi?" I asked.

He shook his head frantically and ran off.

"is that your little brother?" kazuichi asked.

I nodded.

"cool. I have a little brother too. His names kaito" kazuichi grinned.

"really" I gasped "we should introduce him to kokichi. He could use more friends"

"good idea!"

After playing some more kazuichi finally had to go home. I waved goodbye as he walked away hand in hand with his father. I noticed kokichi watching me from a distance. Once kazuichi left he ran into my arms.

I hugged him close and gently petted his head. Don't worry kokichi I'll get you a friend of your own.

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