Waking Up In A Hospital Bed

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Kokichis pov

I woke up in a white room in a comfy white bed. Am I in a hospital?

"kokichi!" suddenly nagito burst through the door and pulled me into a hug. I felt pins and needles on my body as he held me close. I felt so confused. None of this felt real.

"how am I alive?" was all I could say.

"we managed to get you an antidote in time" nagito said with tears in his eyes "you've been in a coma for two weeks now. Your hair has even changed colour"

He held up a mirror. I let out a shocked gasp. My hair had turned white just like nagitos.

Nagito pulled me into a hug again "oh kokichi I was so worried that I lost you for good" there were tears in his eyes.

I hugged him back with a smile "Well don't worry bro. I'm not going anywhere"

Our tender moment was cut off by the souda siblings bursting in. Kaito jumped onto my bed and pulled me into a passionate kiss. Nagito and kazuichi wolf whistled but we ignored them. All that mattered right now is each other.

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