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Kokichis pov

Seven years later

I carried a tray of food to my brothers room with a sigh. I rarely ever see my brothers face ever since he started hiding away so I treasure the small moments like this when I get to see him again.

I knocked on his door "nagito I've got your food"

"wonderful" he opened the door with a smile "thank you little brother. I'll be taking my leave now-"

I held the door open "hey can't we do something fun today? Like maybe watch a movie or-"

"no kokichi" nagito said firmly "it not safe for me to leave this room"

I sighed as tears built up in my eyes "I don't understand you brother"

"I know" he reached out and gently stroked my cheek "you don't have to understand me. Just know that I'll always love you and everything I do is for your sake"

I nodded and stepped back, letting him shut the door. I leaned against the door and let my legs slide down to the floor. I hugged my knees as tears began to fall.

Dispite my brother only being in the next room I felt painfully alone.

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