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Kokichis pov

Ten years later

I sat in the car with tears in my eyes. Today was the day my brother would leave this earth. He lasted alot longer than he should have but the fact that he never even made it to his thirtys is just cruel!

My husband kaito who was driving gave me a conferting smile "easy honey it will be ok"

"how will it be ok! My brother is going to die!" I yelled at him.

"jeez daddy your terrible with words" my daughter cosmo shook her head at him.

"sorry" kaito strached his head in embarrassment.

Cosmo turned to me "don't worry papa. We're here with you every step of the way"

"thanks baby" I wiped my tears away with a smile. She's so intelligent for a five year old. I'm so glad we adopted her.

My son comit however hugged his teddy bear while letting out a soft whine. Poor boy only three years old. This must be really scary for him.

I gently wiped the tears away from his eyes "it's going to be alright baby. We're just going to say goodbye to uncle nagito ok"

"ok" he mumbled.

We arrived at nagitos house. I picked up my upset son who clung to me with sad looking eyes. I took cosmos hand and we all walked inside.

There wasn't too many people there. Just kazuichi, ibuki, their son izuku, nagitos wife mikan and their son malko. They decided to have a baby so that nagito could leave something behind when he died. It's still tragic that the poor kid will never meet his father.

My hands shook as I reached for the bedroom doorknob. I felt scared. I was scared to see him so sick. I was scared to say goodbye!

Kaito gently squeezed my shoulders "take a deep breath honey. Your not alone in this"

"thank you" I smiled greatfully before taking a step inside. I knew I'd regret it if I didn't say goodbye.

I took a step inside. Nagito lay in bed with a breathing mask on. Mikan flashed me a weak smile.

"hey kokichi. Glad you could make it"

I nodded and took a seat next to her. The kids started playing together which I was grateful for. They didn't need to be here for this.

"ko-ki-chi" my head shot up. Nagito had woken up with his usual smile.

"nagito" I ran to his side with tears in my eyes "I'm scared big brother. I don't want to say goodbye"

"shhh my little hope" he gently stroked my cheek "you have so many people taking care of you. I'm ready to go now" he took off his breathing mask and smiled brightly at me "I love you my... little hope" his hand went limp. He was gone.

Without a word I walked outside. I looked up at the cloudy sky where I imagine he is now. I smiled as tears ran down my face.

"thank you nagito for making my world so much brighter"

The end.

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