Accepted Into Hopes Peak

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Nagitos pov

I was sitting on my bed reading a book like I usually do when...

"nagito!" my brother kokichi knocked excitedly on the door "you gotta come out and see it!"

I sighed and opened the door "kokichi this better not be a tric-"

He shoved a letter in my face "just read it"

I sighed and read it.

Dear nagito Komaeda


You have been accepted into hopes peak under the title of ultimate lucky student. You will begin on September 16th. We look forward to seeing you.

I couldn't believe what I was reading "this can't be right" I muttered "they must have made a mistake!"

"it's no mistake brother!" kokichi pulled me into a hug "your going to hopes peak. The best school in Japan! Your amazing nagito!"

I smiled and for the first time in seven years I hugged him back.

Maybe I'm not such a failure of a brother.

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