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Kokichis pov

I woke up in a dark place. The last thing I remember was being shoved into a car. I immediately felt fear in my stomach. Where am I? How did I get here? Am I in danger? All these questions ran through my head in a flash.

No I need to stay calm! If I panic too much I could have a panic attack and this isn't the place for that! I pushed against the door and fell on the cold hard floor.

"are you ok?" I looked up to see a white haired boy looking at me worriedly.

"I'm ok" I muttered shyly.

"ok I'm K1B0 but please call me kiibo. what's your name?"

"I'm kokichi Komaeda" I said shaking his hand.

Suddenly the monitor lit up showing the face of a black and white bear "alright children I what you to go around and introduce yourself to the other ultimates and then make your way to the gymnasium at your earliest convenience" the monitor shut off.

"there's more ultimates here?" kiibo said in disbelief.

I felt a little scared. Kiibo noticed this and smiled reassuringly "don't worry kokichi everything will be fine. It's going to be really fun meeting the other ultimates"

"ok if you say so" I smiled nervously.

He gave me a thumbs up, took my hand and walked out of the classroom together.

Im still really scared but with kiibo around I feel like I'm going to be ok.

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