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Kokichis pov

"hehe let's go boys!" I cheered as our sleepover began.

It was the weekend so me and nagito decided to invite kazuichi and kaito to a sleepover at our house. It really felt like we were kids again.

"yo kichi pass the popcorn" kaito yelled.

"sure thing kai-chan" I hand fed him some popcorn.

"you got nicknames and your feeding each other? You two sure are close!" kazuichi wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

The two of us turned bright red and turned away from each other.

"you know kokichi if you did fall in love with kaito I would be completely accepting" nagito smiled at me "after all you and kaito have known each other since you were children. I know he'd take great care of you"

"same here" kazuichi grinned.

"big brother stop!" me and kaito yelled as we covered our embarrassed faces while our brothers simply laughed at us.

Our teasing was cut short by the news switching on "breaking news just in. A student in hopes peak named izuru Kamakura just murdered sixteen random students in what looked to be a killing game. More news at ten"

We were speechless. I mean a murder at our own school? That's crazy!

"izuru Kamakura. Isn't that the new kid in our class" kazuichi muttered.

"yeah. What a dispairing thing to happen" nagito sighed.

"hey kokichi are you ok?" kaito asked.

"yeah I'm fine" I nodded reassuringly "let's just watch a comedy or something to get our mind off it"

The others nodded and we switched on megamind. Hopefully things will be better tomorrow.

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